why the hate?

I thought this was a brilliant effort. It captured what made the games so exciting and playable yet still managed to be a strong story enough on its own. The action was great. I was on the edge of my seat with the Aguilar parts! The acting was great. The ending had me smiling. Best video game adaptation yet. I really hope there's a sequel!


What film did you watch, it absolutely did not capture what made the games so exciting, it completely missed the point.


See this is the problem with video game movies, they will never please gamers.
Gamers are so used to rich, vibrant, original world's with lots of diverse, varied ways to play.
A movie can only offer one story with one beginning and an end. Gamers will never be happy. Kudos to the guys who made this against the odds I say.


I guess people wanted more Aguilar running through rooftops collecting abstergo fragments, feathers, finding glyphs and opening treasure chests.



Isn't the wrong franchise then? Did they thought it was Tomb Rider? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


See this is the problem with video game movies, they will never please gamers.

Warcraft mostly did please the gamers. Unfortunately, it might also of alienated casual audiences. This movie appeared to of pleased neither group in general.


I have to agree with you. There is also one very big problem that also affects comic book films/fans.

Both sets of fans have unrealistic expectations. No film based on a game is going to be satisfying to the gamer because they have no control over the characters and the action. All they can do is sit and watch. Basically the fan watching isn't getting the sense of personally engaging in controlling the action and pride when they are successful.

It's very similar to watching a comedian on TV compared to in a live club or a concert on TV rather than in an arena or stadium. You watch it, you may enjoy it but no amount of HD or surround sound can recreate the atmosphere of being there. Ultimately you know you are sat on a chair or sofa watching a screen.

You then have the comic book fans. The minute a title is announced the fans get excited as that was an awesome story, this is going to be so amazing. Then the film comes out and the disappointment kicks in. The reason? In comic form the story ran over multiple issues. They have to be condensed down to a two hour running time. The result, lots of stuff get's dropped, characters not used properly and so forth.

IMO this film is suffering from both of these issues. Obviously the gamer issue of not being able to influence and control the character. But equally as big is the issue of what was dropped and what was used. A very common complaint is there wasn't enough of the historic stuff, the modern stuff is boring.
I personally don't mind it in the games and didn't think it was bad in the film.
The main thing is it had to be in the film. Yes, maybe they could have chopped 5-10 minutes off, but it had to be there in the film. That is the whole premise of AC the game. The imprinted memory in the genes. If you ditch that and just do all the historic stuff it stops being Assassin's Creed and just becomes a film about Assassins in the past. Basically a variation on The Three Musketeers, Ivanhoe, Robin Hood. Let's make an action film and have lots of costumes to make it look really good on the big screen.

I'm a fan of the games. I was looking forward to the film but had some reservations if they would pull it off. I was expecting more of the past stuff and little of the present. I went to see the film with an open mind and really enjoyed it.
If they do make a another film I do wonder how they will do it. They may have written themselves into a corner which may be difficult to get out of.


Well i neither play video games nor was even aware that AC was based on one of them but I thought he movie was great. It was exciting, the soundtrack was wonderful and it had marvellous sequences, like the escape after the auto da fe.


Agreed. I knew it was a game but I liked the move nonetheless. It would be great for there to be a sequel (I believe Fassbender said trilogy at some point) but, I doubt it. Great movie though.


Here here. I am a gamer and big fan of the franchise. I went in with an open mind not reading any reviews etc and left very entertained.


Here here. I am a gamer and big fan of the franchise. I went in with an open mind not reading any reviews etc and left very entertained.

Same here! πŸ‘


I'm a gamer and I left loving it! :D


This movie was very entertaining, critics got Passengers and Assassins Creed wrong. And they both are are not flopping.


I completely agree!! This movie is a great action-thriller and the story is unique and fresh. I don't think I'll ever grow bored of watching it lol!


I fully agree! For me the movie is worthy being part of the franchise (which I can't say about a couple of the games sadly)! I loved the new Animus, the eagle parts, the fighting (both inside and outside the Animus), the story and the music - the overall set up was simply perfect for me and even gave me goosebumps a couple of times.

Ubisoft said that they want to do a trilogy, no matter how the first movie does, so hopefully they really will!
