MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > sorry, far, far better than tired Star W...

sorry, far, far better than tired Star Wars franchise

I went to see this flick and it was totally entertaining. It has a freshness that Star Wars cant compete with. Yes, the empire and the alliance are still fighting, we get that. And no longer care. Assassin's Creed is just better plus it has Marion Cotillard...what a beauty!!!! Put away your light sabers and stop praying to the force...Star wars is boring, lets give something new a chance.


said no one ever


Assassins Creed was way more entertaining than boring Rogue One.


yeah let the fanboys deny and buy more batteries for the light sabers...heck this and passengers are both way better than Rogue


I stopped watching SW 10yrs ago. But for those who like both why not see both.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers




go beg your mom to buy you more batteries for your light saber LUke


The op is a deluded shill, this film was awful


star wars is strictly for young kids and old gezzers


I mean I could put it on par with Attack of the Clones (I gave both a 4/10) but I certainly wouldn't call it better than any of the other Star Wars films.

Hit me up on Twitter @alexanderfalzon and read my reviews at


I agree. Its different and more interesting than generic Rogue One. Michael F. is fantastic in this. Acting is wayyyyyy better than Rogue One.
