How much damage did Fassbender do to the game??
We always hear about how bad video game movies are. But, this movie has flopped so bad, and from what I understand is so nonsensical in its story and script (as it matches up to the games...I don't play the games)...I'm curious if Ubisoft is concerned that Fassbenders flop has actually damaged the video game series...
Thoughts? For instance, why make a movie (as the actual game maker) unless thought you would be successful in expanding your game market.
It is really beyond me how Ubisoft would place such faith in that pretentious arty farty Fassbender buddy screenwriter Michael Lesslie who had made that ridiculous space short "Saying Goodbye in Space" (something like that) that was an insane piece of kindergarbage.
You now actually have to pay??? To see that boring no dialogue nonsense on YouTube (I saw it when it was not viewed aaaaand free). How could any CEO in their right (sober) mind think a guy like that (or Fassbender) could write a script for a movie like Assassins creed? Its beyond words. LOL....
These folks must go to cocktail parties and stand around drinking and just convince themselves of how great each other is (so clueless about the public)...
Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionš