MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > What would you rate it out of 10?

What would you rate it out of 10?

I haven't seen the film yet, and all I've heard from most critics is that it's terrible. I want to know the opinions of the average movie-goer. How good did you think it was out of 10?




What A Lovely Day.



3 and that's being generous.

Bad plot
Bad acting
useless chase scenes
bad effects

wasn't expecting a classic... but this is just bad.


I'd give it a six.

However, it might be difficult to fully understand if you've never played the games.

Catch me when you can, Mishter Lusk.


8.5/10 I Finaly watch this movie, i'm never play the game and not have any clue about story behind assassin creed universe, but surprisingly this movie work well for audiences like me, especially in action scene, i think is visually beautiful, acting is good, plot not really special but still tolerable, i don't know why bad critics everywhere, i think is worth to watch, is not perfect movies, but can anyone really describe what a perfect movie.Every movie always have flaws on it.


These people had more than enough to make a great, memorable movie and they didn't. So with that much money and that many actors thrown at this production are we just supposed to swallow whatever's being shoved down our throats? There's no longer any excuse for below par movie time hire competent writers and a better director for this type of material. Btw, 5/ more, no less.



If you are not a diehard fan of the games you will probably not like it very much.


I gave it a 6/10. The plot was too confusing and there was way too much time spent on the present day stuff.

The scenes in the past especially the action scene in the middle where they were running through the city and fighting people was actually really good.

If they'd spent like 3/4 of the movie in the present and didn't keep switching back and forth it could have been a lot better.

It was better than most video game movies at least.


