MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > What can break the video game movie curs...

What can break the video game movie curse?

Uncharted and a Tomb Raider reboot are currently being made. Any chance one of them will be good?


BioShock, Although either one of those could work with a good script and director.

reply wrote an insightful and depressing article about certain video games that could never be good movies and Bioshock was one of them.

They make some good points about how the experience just couldn't be done in a movie.

Here is the article:


I have hopes that a Metal Gear movie could be successfully adapted. Get Kojima or David Hayter to write the script, and Guillermo del Toro as director.


Stop hiring *beep* director's when they hired Justin kurzel with 7 horrible *beep* movies under he's belt they wanted it to fail


Kurzel has only directed 5 movies that have been released (this one included), and Macbeth is pretty solid. Plus Duncan Jones had two highly acclaimed movies before Warcraft, so I don't think hiring good directors will really do much since these last two films have had good ones.


Snowtown was creepy and brutal , I am kinda surprised he is wasting his time with crap like this, he should making more adult stuff like Dennis Villaneuve R Rated thrillers like Sicario and stuff.


Animated overwatch in style of Pixar!


I say Tomb Raider has the best chance. If it's made in the Spirit of The Grey and The Revenant. People love a good servivl story.


Disney could team up with Blizzard to have it produced under Touchstone with some Pixar animators at helm! 

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I think The Division movie has a good chance. It has a super interesting premise.


like i posted in The Division movie board, i don't think they can portrait something different than waht we saw in the tv show The Last Ship.


How can a movie about a bad game be good? :D
AC at least had somewhat of original plot for a game back in the days...

Back to topic:
There is a plan for Half-life movie. Considering cult status of the game, I believe a lot of effort will be put into the movie. Besides, people involved so far into adapting HL seem to know how movies work :D

Of course there were Doom and Tomb Raider... First one is also a cult classic, maybe even bigger name than HL (well I am pretty young, but heard back in the days everyone with a PC or access to arcades played the sh*t out of Doom, popularity of the game could be matched by an operating system).


Uncharted's writer is gonna be Joe Carnahan, who is pretty terrible at what he does. Shawn Levy is not much of a good director either. Without a good script or direction, the project will be an instant fail. So I personally have zero hopes for the Uncharted film, but if Druckmann himself writes The Last of Us movie then there is definitely some hope for that, and that's IF they get a good director to do it.
Honestly there are so many visionary directors in the Indie industry waiting for their chance to shine, I don't know why people in the video game industry won't give them a chance instead of hiring kinda-known but bad directors (since the good ones are expensive and picky, for a good reason).


A good director who knows how to tell a story. Assasins Creed is such a great story that only an idiot can ruin it. I can understand other films based on video-games failing but it takes a number of stupid people to turn this story into a bad film.


The Last of Us has a lot of potential, seeing how it focuses on more character relationships than visuals and stunts. If the adaptation has a great cast, a solid director with good projects under their belt a sense of the video game itself, and a decent writer, then it has the potential to break the video game curse.

A lot of the adaptions so far -- Tomb Raider, Warcraft, Hitman, Assassin's Creed, etc. -- originate from video games that seem to have emphasize on visuals, stunts, and action more than character development or plot. While there have been some exceptions, like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, it can get very difficult to juggle action and character development.


The Last of Us story has been made in many, many films. I don´t think it´s a good idea to adapt it to a movie.


The Last of Us story has been made in many, many films.

What do you mean? Do you mean the overall concept has been made into movies?


It is a basic run of the mill zombie apocalypse scenario with a couple of survivors and they often seem to have cure of some sort and they meet others that help along the way. It is a very generic story that has been over and over again. The Last of Us won't do anything new and interesting which is why it will be terrible. But it had not really been in video game in that way before so it worked well there.


While the overall story is generic, it's the developed relationship between Ellie and Joel that made the game very powerful. It had strong female characters who had flaws, male leads who were vulnerable, and secondary characters who left an enormous impact on both the protagonists and audiences.

The concept itself was definitely not unique nor groundbreaking, but rather the focus on characters. Tell Tale Games' The Walking Dead also left a MASSIVE impact on many players because they put character development front and center, rather than big action pieces and effects.

If writers took on video game adaptations with that approach -- focus on characters and story more than action -- then perhaps adaptations could be better.

That was what I was trying to explain :)


I just have that feeling that no matter what the focus is critics are going to focus on it just being another end of mankind zombie scenario. Even then it could easily be compared to The Road with the relationship between the man and the boy. Although they are father and son as far as I remember their relationship develops more on their journey in the new world. They need solid writing and pacing more than anything. That seems to be the failure of any video game to movie.


That's a very good point!


The Last of Us story has been made in many, many films

yeah? ok name them then. go on, name at least 10... you probably cant


I haven't even played the game or read about the lore but it definitely sounds like "The Road" (2009). And yes, there is plenty of post-apocalyptic (zombie) survival movies out there, so this "last of us" really doesn't sound original at all.
