MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Striking Vipers - sex drama

Striking Vipers - sex drama

There were more orgasms and sex than technology.


It was hella awkward to watch! I guess that’s one thing that fit the black mirror criteria!



Weird. I wonder why my comment got deleted. I don't even remember what I said but I generally don't post anything too crazy. Hate it when that happens. lol!


You would think that the creators of that game, would be subject to the ESRB and not allow sex in it instead of fighting. Also the fact that TCKR Systems rendered not only the male and female .. 'parts' underneath the fighting clothes, it also was able to simulate the female sexual experience for a male--how is that even possible?

Still fascinating to watch though, lol.


The Virtual Reality device operated directly on the brain, so anything and everything is possible. It was not just visual input, like with our existing VR technology.


People won't be so prissy in the future. We can hope.


As awkward as this was, I laughed my ass off when he said "I fucked a polar bear".


I feel it would have worked better as a comedy


the orgasms and sex were inside the technology.


It would have been more realistic if they did some experimenting like making out using other characters , switch roles or something instead of choosing the same characters all the time. If I were Dan I'll definitely try out the female role at least one time.


It was so terrible it permanently turned me off the show.


Lol...why didn't you just stop watching. Each episode is pretty much I dependant of each other except for the occasional st. juniper refererance or a previous device shows up in the back ground. But this 3 episode season was pretty bad. But even the twilight zone had some bad eps in it's first season. So I wouldn't let one episode turn you off the show.


I don't think this episode would have been so off-putting if the two main characters were attractive women. At least not to me. If that makes me backwards and primitive, then call me a Neanderthal. If they existed. Which they didn't.


It would be just boring cathering to your dudebro-sensitivities. We have more of enough stuff for heteronormative dudebros out there.




The Neanderthals didn't exist? How so?


Cuzza the Bible. There’s an often overlooked passage in the Book of Revelations that goes: and lo the beast shall lay down the false skeletons of great lizards and monkey-men to confuse and tempt the faithful to stray from the lord.

And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Remember, the Devil has no power except for what we give him. And angel powers. He has those too.


Thanks for the lecture
