San Junipero

Possibly the best hour of television this year. Very moving, full of dazzling surprises and thought-provoking concepts. Also beautifully acted, directed and lensed. This show doesn't always have to be dark and disturbing to hit a high mark.


Yes. I also liked the movie references to the era San Junipero mostly harked back to: Back To The Future, Basic Instinct, Beaches, The Shawshank Redemption, Thelma And Louise...very enjoyable. And of course, the song "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" as a motif.


Couldn't agree more so far my favorite episode in season 3


Indeed. One of the best episodes of the series.


I can't exactly explain why I loved this episode so much. It just... clicked with me.

I loved the tropical perfection of the land, even the look of the distant cliffs in the background. It reminded me a lot of a trip to Jamaica I took in 2010 and in the breezeway to my hotel room I'd constantly be treated to the sight of misty and green mountains in the background.

I loved the "John Hughes with lesbians" feel. The nostalgic vibe was just thrilling.

And the two girls. So lovable. Imperfect but all the better for it.

And better yet. It was different yet still felt like Black Mirror. It had a concept that was eerily plausible and the idea of a "manufactured afterlife" was very compelling.

I wouldn't mind seeing a "sequel episode" in season 4.

"I really like f--king my cat."


"John Hughes with lesbians"

I literally did a spit take when u read that :)


actually, i thought it was kind of boring. It's like they took a decent half hour plot and stretched it out for 50 mins.


Planning on continuing my binge of the S3 anthology..
But, my god..San Junipero wiped me out.
Completely gobsmacked by what i just saw.
Gonna process this one.


It's not going to stop
..till you wise up


I know, right?
I just finished watching San Junipero and I shocked myself to find that I was so moved by the end of the episode that I actually shed a few tears (gotta love that "Heaven is a Place on Earth" song though!) at the final images.
Wouldn't it be lovely if we knew there was a place our consciousness could go to after we 'passed on'? That we could be with our loved ones (or at least one loved one) for as long as eternity lasted (or until the Tcker company's technology became outdated and obsolete...whichever came first)?
It was a lovely idea and one of the few futuristic movie/tv shows I've watched where I actually *hoped* (instead of dreaded) that this sort of future technology would become a reality (or very realistic virtual reality, as it were).
It's worth noting that this episode may have struck a few personal chords for me.
I have a good friend who is in a coma right now and has been since she suffered a very sudden brain injury at the end of September.
I hope that wherever her consciousness is right now, that she in a happy place, much like the idyllic setting of the San Junipero beaches.πŸ˜“πŸ˜Š

Light a fire, a fire, a spark
Light a fire, a flame in my heart


I liked it a lot, too. There's just one thing nagging at me. It reminds me of a William Gibson story and I cannot think which one. I'm sure any number of people have had the same basic idea, but it was specifically the part about looking for Kelly in different eras.

At least, I think it was Gibson...

"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."


If you work out who/what story it was please share :)


Will do. It's almost within reach, then it keeps slipping away... I think it'll come back if something jogs the memory a little more.

"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."


It reminded me of the short story The Belonging Kind that William Gibson wrote together with John Shirley. Beautiful story, maybe that's the one you're thinking of too based on what you wrote about looking for Kelly in different eras..


If only every random I alcoholed up and tried to bang got this interested, or every chick I stalked.. liked it and wanted me to marry them.
