MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Any suggestions for similar shows?

Any suggestions for similar shows?

I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, American Horror Story and Black Mirror are about as deep into the genre that I'll go but I really enjoyed Black Mirror. Any recommendations for futuristic sci-fi thrillers similar to Black Mirror?


If you can find it somewhere, Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected is really good and along the same vein except no technology or sci-fi involved. Just a lot of "What the *beep*? Was not expecting that!"


Ex Machina

Also look up the trailer to a movie called A Cure For Wellness. It's not out yet, but looks phenomenal and similar ish


+1 ex machina

also, Humans (2015)


Totally different from anything ever: THE PRISONER

~~the coins in the jar are for charity,~~
~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~


Charlie Brooker said that an inspiration for Black Mirror was the Twilight Zone episode Number 23 Looks Just Like You, so especially that. It's a story about technology and conformity as social control, a lot like Black Mirror's 15 Million Merits. Same goes for the episodes Eye of the Beholder and The Obsolete Man, also great.

If you must blink, do it now.


If you can't get Utopia, my other recommendation would be Flowers.

Deliciously dark and moving, but funny too.


It's a BBC sci-fi series from the 80s - Blakes 7. Some of the episodes would fit BM a bit. It's one of my favourite shows ever.


I personally think Black Mirror is in a class by itself.

However Night Visions (with Henry Rollins as the host) was a pretty good show. However not every episode was about futuristic technology.
