MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Why were there so many minorities in "No...

Why were there so many minorities in "Nosedive"? Symbolize something?

African-Americans comprise about 12% of the U.S. population, but they seemed to make up an inordinate share of the speaking/prominent characters in this episode. (Over a third?)

Is their disproportionate representation here symbolic of something? Seems odd.

(Didn't seem to see any other ethnic minorities.)


This is the future, where the ethnic composition of the USA might be different. Also, even today, you'll find different percentages of Afro-American in different cities, so, the 12% is not exactly what you should expect in every place.

But most importantly... why should that matter at all?


So basically you would've just been more comfortable watching an all Caucasian cast?

Minorities are just too distracting. With them not being white and all.


You are a true moron. Please go to whoever raised you and ask for a REFUND
