MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Wedding Speech in NoseDive was too disap...

Wedding Speech in NoseDive was too disappointing

I thought it would be a speech where she talks about the fake lives the guests were leading where they purposefully vote someone higher just to get back votes...
Cant tell the truth because you might downrated...

Being more beautiful would give them more ratings without trying etc etc and make the audience feel ashamed of themselves for being in Ken and Barbie wedding...

Instead she keeps talking about how Nay-Nay was good to her and try to win sympathy votes....

For a woman who suffered so much in a space of 6 hrs for having a bad rating,she should have given it back to them....


Yeah that's where I thought it was gonna go too.


Whole episode was a let down. Concept was great, acting too, but definitely the weakest for me overall.

I don't want to hate people, but people make me hate people


Agreed. I kept waiting for it to go somewhere, anywhere, but it just didn't.


Um... THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING, by over-inflating the perfection of their friendship in the speech and exaggerating how good she was to her. You can even see some of the wedding guests start to look disgusted. And then she drops the 180 with "BY THE WAY, SHE F&^%ED GREG.".

Having her go on about how horrible she was would have been too over the top. Hell, her mental state is so broken by that point she pulls a knife on Nae-Nae's husband.

I will plant a f--king palm tree in your neck and f--k you f--king gently in its shade!


That was great, what did she say, "I'll cut off Mr. Rags head and shove it up my @ss"?

At first I was wondering if it was more then booze the truck driver gave her, but yeah, I've been there, she went through hell and didn't really deserve it so obviously she's gonna be off-kilter.

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


Very poignant about today's societal relation with our technology! Great ending!


Did you actually watch the show ?


That was to the original poster. I thought it was extremely well done.


I agree, I was disappointed in that episode and have been in a few so far. Overall I enjoy the series and will continue to watch it. I was also curious about wether or not Bryce Dallas Howard had recently been pregnant as she appeared 20 pounds heavier than Jurassic Workd.


What a terrible message that episode sent. If you react to having a bad day, if you don't kiss the feet of 'pretty', fake people, if you even think about telling the truth, you will end up in jail 

I know this is how Hollywood and the entertainment industry works but is this necessarily a good message to send? They may say that this is the social problem they were trying to highlight, but this is definitely not how it came across. It seemed more like the social engineers were trying to send a big scary message to the feet kissers out there. Or maybe Zuckerberg has script approval for these shows



Yes, I agree that was the message they were trying to convey but it almost came off as a more realistic message the other way.

and I guess that is my point. If it is hard to discern which message they were truly sending then the 'art' didn't work very well but that is my personal opinion and I can respect if you disagree with it





What a remarkably idiotic interpretation.



What a terrible message that episode sent. If you react to having a bad day, if you don't kiss the feet of 'pretty', fake people, if you even think about telling the truth, you will end up in jail

Except that that wasn't the message of that episode at all.

And Zuckerberg? Did you seriously say Zuckerberg? 


actually on one level it was

The government could not have scripted it better

but you'll see....


I get the feeling your brain missed 80% of the actual context of the episode, choosing to zero in with a bizarre social engineering conspiracy theory instead.

Perhaps a second viewing wouldn't hurt?


or maybe I just see the world from a different perspective. I wonder how this episode will affect all those narcissistic snowflakes out there who need their safe spaces and all those likes to survive the transit ride to work


I liked the ending a lot, with the 2 characters in the jail hurling abuse at each other and clearly enjoying the freedom to do so without worrying about ratings. I thought it was a great ending to a great episode.


The speech scene was executed perfectly. You knew that even if she delivered the speech exactly as rehearsed (and approved by Naomi) that the bride, groom, and every other guest wouldn't have rated her highly (or even listened) because they wouldn't be able to see past her unzipped bridal dress, muddied face, and filthy hair. Had the audience collectively said, "You know she really gave a heartfelt speech; I'm giving her a 5 despite her appearance," no viewers of this episode would have bought it.

When she saw that even though she got there by hook and by crook and everyone was downgrading her, she became conflicted. She started telling the truth ("She *beep* Greg) one second, only to lie and kiss up the next. She hadn't let learned that here was no winning that game and she didn't learn that until the final scene with her fellow inmate.
