Dear Netflix,

stop appropriating good tv shows and completely ruining them. You dit it with The Killing, then Arrested Development, and now Black Mirror. Just finished watching the first episode. What a load of crap! Who writes this *beep*


Watch shut up and dance it's more like the first two seasons


The same person writes it who wroe the previous series.


The first episode was a diffrent writer rashida Jones did nosedive :)


and it was weak

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What he means is that the original creators are still involved.


Yeah, Nosedive was simply adapted by a Charlie Brooker story instead of him directly writing the script, which I think is a HUGE difference when it comes to these kinds of stories.
Just because someone is a fan of the show doesn't mean they can also do it, Nosedive felt completely different from the others.


She co-wrote the teleplay, not the story.


exactly, and I sort of hated the show while it was all britistani, but now they got me indifferent

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I guess you either didn't understand the episode or you simply forgot what happened to the hashtag users! :)



I loved episode 1.
And Black mirror episodes aren't always good. Some are good, some are stupid, like that one with the girl from downton abbey or the christmas episode.

Episode 1 is what is happening with the world right now. Everybody is craving for likes and rates is ridiculous.


15 Million Merits is my favorite BM episode of all. Love it and found it to be brilliant. All of these are merely our opinions. I don't think any of the episodes are stupid at all.


Finally, someone who isn't completely blind with a inexplicable incapability to see Netflix for what it is. When I heard about Black Mirror going to Netflix I just knew it was going to be disaster. Everything they touch turns to garbage. I don't think this is the same series we had at season 1 and 2 at all.


Oh whatever. I love black mirror. There have been some weak episodes in all series but the good ones nail it. Season 3 for me has felt like an evolution for the better. Clearly improved production with a bigger budget has let this beast fly. The stories have all felt much more cohesive and there seems to be a level of confidence that was lacking before.

How the hell can you call this garbage by today's standards? Thank god you're not in charge of broadcasting.


Well said, Joel.
I've only seen 2 episodes of S3 yet I'm totally sold and get the same feeling of digital claustrophobia.
The fact that Netflix is involved can only be a good thing as they are putting out such top quality shows at the moment.


'well' rambled, paid troll, but it's still a ruined show

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Someone who enjoys a show that you don't is therefore a "paid troll".

Brilliant 

Two for flinching!


is that what happened, paid troll? or did I comment on your contrarian and nonsensical (btw typically vapid) pooppost

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Probably the most idiotic comment I've seen a while.

Firstly, this season of Black Mirror is in no way a disaster in any sense of the word.

What criticisms of this season do you think can be attributed to Netflix?

And finally "everything they touch turns to garbage". Yes, lets just ignore all the highly successful, critically acclaimed shows they have produced.

So again, you're an idiot.


I really disliked the "American" stereotype in season 3 episode 2.


The first couple seasons of The killing were not very good at all. The show significantly improved after Netflix picked it up.
