MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Rank all 13 episodes of Black Mirror

Rank all 13 episodes of Black Mirror

1) White Bear
2) Fifteen Million Merits
3) The Entire History of You
4) Shut Up and Dance
5) White Christmas
6) Nosedive
7) Playtest
8) Be Right Back
9) Men Against Fire
10) The National Anthem
11) Hated in the Nation
12) San Junipero
13) The Waldo Moment


1. "Shut Up and Dance" - 10/10
2. "White Christmas" - 10/10
3. "Fifteen Million Merits" - 9.3/10
4. "Nosedive" - 8.9/10 - A bit anti-climactic and heavy-handed, but overall excellent.
5. "Playtest" - 8.4/10 - Flawed by clichés, but still great.
6. "The National Anthem" - 7.6/10 - Its shocking premise overshadowed other great elements.
7. "White Bear" - 7.2/10 - Heavy-handed like Nosedive, but with more predictability and less likable protagonist.
8. "San Junipero" - 7.0/10 - Good, but overrated. Too much of an emotional rollercoaster, with forced nostalgia in a futurist world. A creative overload that just felt so forced.
9. "The Entire History of You" - 6.6/10
10. "Hated in the Nation" - 6.0/10
11. "Men Against Fire" - 5.5/10
12. "Be Right Back" - 4.4/10
13. "The Waldo Moment" - 4.2/10 - Actually a decent episode while watching, but incredibly forgettable in comparison to the other episodes.

Votes: 3,622


1. San Junipero
2. Hated in the Nation
3. Be Right Back
4. White Bear
5. Playtest
6. Nosedive
7. Fifteen Million Merits
8. White Christmas
9. The Entire History of You
10. Men Against Fire
11. National Anthem
12. The Waldo Moment
13. Shut Up and Dance

The diversity of everyone's rankings is pretty amusing and honestly quite fascinating. I've never seen such a subjective series before where some people's favorite episodes are others' most disliked.


Have to agree with the others, it is interesting seeing how varied opinions are. Even within my own friends and family, we all have our own likes and dislikes.

1) White Christmas (Perfect. Fascinating tech, a grim story, and great twists.)
2) The Entire History of You (Hit so incredibly close to home, and I can certainly imagine this kind of stuff playing out in real life.)
3) Shut Up and Dance (Would be a near perfect episode to me if some of the driving scenes were trimmed. A bit bloated as is.)
4) Hated in the Nation (Didn't reach the highs of some lower ranked episodes, but an overall really solid, film-length episode I could have easily seen myself paying money to watch in a theater)
5) White Bear (Absolutely insane twist. Even crazier how it all actually works out and leaves no loose ends. Great for repeat watches.)
6) San Junipero (A bit sappy and oversentimental. Also find it bizarre how they touch upon how unfulfilling and empty actually spending an eternity in an Junipero is before proceeding to have the characters do just that. Still an awesome twist and premise.)
7) Playtest (Don't get the hate for this one. Thought it was really interesting.)
8) Be Right Back (Poignant, if a little underwhelming.)
9) Fifteen Million Merits (Takes forever to get started, and the opening exposition could use some serious trimming, but it turns out to be a pretty interesting concept, if a bit too on the nose.)
10) The National Anthem (A solid piece, but a kind of disappointing, muddy and unsatisfying ending.)
11) The Waldo Moment (Really liked this one's premise but felt it kind of fizzles out into nothing by the end. Disappointed, because it had a lot of opportunity.)
12) Men Against Fire (Interesting, but overdone premise. Ham fisted, superficial, and ultimately unnecessary "purging the gene pool" bad guy motivation really deflated my enjoyment of an otherwise interesting episode.)
13) Nosedive (The only episode I genuinely dislike. The premise is interesting, but the execution felt really inauthentic and kept taking me out of it. The dialogue is unbearably cringeworthy, as made evident by the fact that it was written by someone that wasn't Charlie Brooker, and it makes a valiant effort to completely beat you over the head with its 'point'.)


The National Anthem

15 MM

Entire History of You

Be Right Back

White Bear


White Christmas



Shut Up And Dance

San Junipero

Men Against Fire

Hated in the Nation

15MM, WC, and HITN are definitely my three favorite episodes. But pretty much every episode had a certain gut punch to it.
\/ Hear The Living Dead /\


1) Shut Up and Dance
2) The National Anthem
3) The Entire History of You
4) Hated in the Nation
5) Playtest
6) White Bear
7) White Christmas
8) Be Right Back
9) San Junipero
10) The Waldo Moment
11) Fifteen Million Merits
12) Nosedive
13) Men Against Fire


1. San Junipero
2. Fifteen Million Merits
3. Shut Up and Dance
4. Nosedive
5. White Bear
6. The Entire History of You
7. White Christmas
8. Men Against Fire
9. Be Right Back
10. Hated in the Nation
11. The National Anthem
12. Playtest
13. The Waldo Moment

Just watched the entire show over the last few days and definitely not a bad episode in the bunch. However, I would say that I was surprised to see Entire History of You ranked so highly for so many people and that I consider Nosedive and Men Against Fire to be underrated.

We sing in the choir together.


1) San Junipero (easily the best of the lot!)
2) The Entire History of You (I loved how he dissected his wife's infidelity)
3) The Waldo Moment (I felt for the Waldo comedian...)
4) Hated in the Nation (lot of dead bodies in their mom's basements?)
5) White Christmas (I didn't like Hamm's punishment, but very well done)
6) Be Right Back (kinda sad, but a good moral tale)
7) Playtest (I didn't like the multiple endings, but overall well done)
8) White Bear (nice twist)

These last 5 were 4/10 imho.

9) Fifteen Million Merits (boring and sad)
10) Shut Up and Dance (password protect your computer!)
11) Men Against Fire (just ugh)
12) The National Anthem (bleeping a pig?)
13) Nosedive (the only ep that I couldn't finish...)

So when does season 4 start? :)
