MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Rank all 13 episodes of Black Mirror

Rank all 13 episodes of Black Mirror

1) White Bear
2) Fifteen Million Merits
3) The Entire History of You
4) Shut Up and Dance
5) White Christmas
6) Nosedive
7) Playtest
8) Be Right Back
9) Men Against Fire
10) The National Anthem
11) Hated in the Nation
12) San Junipero
13) The Waldo Moment


1. Hated in the Nation
2. Entire History of You
3. White Christmas
4. White Bear
5. The National Anthem
6. San Junipero
7. Playtest
8. Nosedive
9. Be Right Back
10. Fifteen Million Merits
11. Shut Up and Dance
12. Men Against Fire
13. Waldo Moment


I still have to finish Season 3 episode 5 & 6.

That being said I see everyone ranking White Bear very high on their lists. Everyone thinks its such a great episode. I really thought it was the weakest out of the first two seasons.

Why all the love for White Bear? I am not criticizing but rather asking what you loved about it? Maybe I need to rewatch it.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


I don't understand all the praise for White Bear either, it's far from a bad episode (just my opinion) but I don't see it as being great. And I don't understand the kind of a bad comments towards Playtest either, but the thing with Black Mirror is that's hard to have unanimous reaction to the episodes and even the "bad" ones are pretty good, at least at some point.

1- White Christmas
2- Be Right Back
3- Entire History Of You
4- Playtest
5- The National Anthem
6- Shut Up And Dance
* San Junipero*
8- Men Against Fire
9- White Bear
10- Nosedive
11- Fifteen Million Merits
12- The Waldo Moment

Haven't seen the last one yet and *regarding San Junipero, I really loved it and it would be higher on the list if my brain could manage to accept this series having such a nice ending haha it's a magical episode and so different from the rest that I don't really know how to rank it


It was the most suspenseful episode out of all of them, for me; I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish because I had no idea what "white bear" was leading to and I was just as panicked as the protagonist.
I never once saw the final twist coming, and once I let the episode sit for a while, I was just lost in thought about the commentary of it all. The idea of mass shaming and the public's need for retribution is an idea that I think is very relevant in today's society. As someone who believes in rehabilitative punishment over retributive punishment, the episode emotionally resonated with me quite a lot too.

There are definitely issues of plausibility but by large, this was the one episode that made me think the most and actually instilled a little fear.

A rose is just a rose.


1: San Junipero
2: The Entire History of You
3: Shut up and Dance
4: White Bear
5: Be Right Back
6: Fifteen Million Merits
7: The National Anthem
8: White Christmas
9: Nosedive
10: Hated in the Nation
11: Playtest
12: Men Against Fire
13: The Waldo Moment

(white)Bearing in mind I have just binge watched series 3 in one sitting, these may change order, though I do think Shut up and Dance and San Junipero are some of the best of the whole show.
Very emotional, heartfelt yet gut wrenching.


I'm still yet to watch episode 6 of season 3 so I'll place it last but here goes

1.)Entire History Of You-11/10
2.)Shut Up And Dance-10.5/10
3.)San Junipero-10/10
4.)White Christmas-10/10
6.)White Bear-9/10
8.)The Waldo Moment-9/10
9.)Men Against Fire-8/10
10.)The National Anthem-8/10
11.)Fifteen Million Merits-8/10
12.)Be Right Back-8/10
13.)Hated In The Nation-No idea

And yes, I purposely rated the first two higher than a ten, they were phenomenal! Also, don't get the hate for the waldo episode, I loved it!


1. Fifteen Million Merits
2. White Christmas
3. Hated in the Nation
4. San Junipero
5. White Bear
6. Be Right Back
7. Men Against Fire
8. Nosedive
9. The Entire History of You
10. Shut Up and Dance
11. Playtest
12. The Waldo Moment
13. The National Anthem


1. The Entire History of You. - 10/10
2. White Christmas- 10/10
3. San Junipero 9/10
4. Be Right Back 9/10
5. Fifteen Million Merits 9/10
6. Nosedive 8/10
7. Shut Up and Dance 8/10
8. White Bear 7/10
9. Play test 7/10
10. The Waldo Moment. 7/10
11. Hated in The Nation 7/10
12. The National Anthem. 6/10

Haven't seen Man Against Fire


1. "The Entire History of You"
2. "Fifteen Million Merits"
3. "Nosedive"
4. "White Christmas"
5. "Shut Up and Dance"
6. "San Junipero"
7. "The Waldo Moment"
8. "Be Right Back"
9. "White Bear"
10. "Hated in the Nation"
11. "Playtest"
12. "Men Against Fire"
13. "The National Anthem"


Surprised to see so few posters in this thread but also extremely interesting to see such polarized opinions are varied rankings - a good sign.

Just finished binge watching S3 and watched the others when they were first released but here's mine

1. "White Christmas"
2. "Be Right Back"
3. "The Entire History of You"
4. "San Junipero"
5. "Fifteen Million Merits"
6. "Shut Up and Dance"
7. "White Bear"
8. "Men Against Fire"
9. "Hated in the Nation"
10. "Nosedive"
11. "The National Anthem"
12. "Playtest"
13. "The Waldo Moment"


1. The Entire History of You
2. Fifteen Million Merits
3. Nosedive
4. San Junipero
5. Shut Up and Dance
6. Hated in the Nation
7. White Christmas
8. White Bear
9. The National Anthem
10. The Waldo Moment
11. Playtest
12. Men Against Fire
13. Be Right Back

Stalked by coleburnz07 since 2012 and Scarletknights since 2007!


1) San Junipero
2) Shut Up and Dance
3) Nosedive
4) White Christmas
5) Playtest
6) Fifteen Million Merits
7) The Entire History of You
8) The National Anthem
9) Hated in the Nation
10) White Bear
11) Be Right Back
12) Men Against Fire
13) The Waldo Moment

You white, then you Ben Affleck.


1: Hated in the Nation
2: White Christmas
3: White Bear
4: San Junipero
5: Fifteen Million Merits
6: Playtest
7: Be Right Back
8: Shup Up and Dance
9: Nosedive
10: The National Anthem
11: The Waldo Moment
12: Men Against Fire
13: The Entire History of You
