Your Top 5 episodes?
1. San Junipero
2. White Bear
3. White Christmas
4. Entire History of You
5. Playtest
1. San Junipero
2. White Bear
3. White Christmas
4. Entire History of You
5. Playtest
Mine changes quite often. Wait for season 4 and I'll be like. Now like 18/19is amazing episodes how do I choose?
1 White Christmas
2 Hated in the nation
3 Entire History of You
4 Playtest
5 White Bear
National Anthem
Entire History of You
White Christmas
50 million merits
I've only liked three episodes in the entire run
1)Shut Up and Dance
2)The Waldo Moment
3)The National Anthem
1. White Christmas
2. San Junipero
3. Fifteen Million Merits
4. Shut Up and Dance
5. The National Anthem
What power would hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of heaven?
1. Be Right Back
2. White Christmas
3. The Entire History of You
4. Hated in the Nation
5. Men Against Fire
I haven't seen the whole series yet, but so far, the show's "masterpieces" in my mind are:
White Bear
San Junipero
White Christmas
Those episodes created the most compelling characters and stories for me. They stuck with me long after viewing.
1. San Junipero
2. 15 MM
3. White Bear
4. Hated in the Nation
5. Shut Up and Dance