“I mean, show me a woman who’s a CEO?”
“Elizabeth Holmes”………
This show won’t be for everyone. It’s definitely “woke” but also I think a bit tongue in cheek and showing how that goes too far sometimes. Not afraid to poke at both sides a little (even if we know where it’s eventually going to land of course).
I found it funny the way they just threw out LGBTQIA2S+ as if, yeah, that’s normal and not getting ridiculous. And they had a laugh at it later.
Only two episodes but funny so far. We’ll have to wait and see if they can keep it up, or will it become another preachfest.
The best sign for this show as far as being humorous will be if it manages to make people on both sides upset. Unfortunately if it does show that much intelligence it’ll probably get canceled lol
For me, being a former teacher, it’s completely unrealistic in that regard, but whateves. I’m sure lawyers, doctors, cops, etc. feel that way too about thousands of shows.
The last few minutes of the second episode say it all… *gasp*, the drag guy is an asshole thief! Do they dare!
Then the show ends with a feel good drag performance by the unrealistic football players.
And of course the female teacher’s white heterosexual husband is a loser and unemployed.
So the show is what it is, but all I care about is, Will it stay funny?
Cuz Shadows starts soon but it’s the final season.