Best + Worst Phantoms

The Best: (Top 3)
1. Ramin Karimloo
2. Micheal Crawford
3. Colm Wilkinson

The Worst: (Bottom 3)

1. Gerald Butler
2. Benjamin "Ben" Lewis
3. Peter Jöback (Prepare for controversy!)

Quick note; this is just MY opinion. Also, I have not listened to Peter Jöback very much. I've only heard him in the finale of this amazing concert (which I've seen several times), so my opinion is totally based on that. As a Phantom, (I think) he's kinda weak. However, I feel a compromise is in order. If you can point me towards better showcases of his vocal talents, I MIGHT remove Peter Jöback from the list. No promises, though!

It is a scientific fact that nerds will one day rule the world. I am a nerd. You may bow before me.


You all wrong! This is the facts:

1: Michael Crawford
2: Ramin Karimloo
3: Howard McGillin

Too hard to pick.
