Best + Worst Phantoms

The Best: (Top 3)
1. Ramin Karimloo
2. Micheal Crawford
3. Colm Wilkinson

The Worst: (Bottom 3)

1. Gerald Butler
2. Benjamin "Ben" Lewis
3. Peter Jöback (Prepare for controversy!)

Quick note; this is just MY opinion. Also, I have not listened to Peter Jöback very much. I've only heard him in the finale of this amazing concert (which I've seen several times), so my opinion is totally based on that. As a Phantom, (I think) he's kinda weak. However, I feel a compromise is in order. If you can point me towards better showcases of his vocal talents, I MIGHT remove Peter Jöback from the list. No promises, though!

It is a scientific fact that nerds will one day rule the world. I am a nerd. You may bow before me.


Best Phantoms:
1. John Owen-Jones
2. Michael Crawford
3. Anthony Warlow

Worst Phantoms:
1. Gerard Butler
2. Peter Joback
3. Gerard Butler, again

John Owen-Jones does not get enough credit for being a Phantastic Phantom, or a perfect Jean Valjean, and I pray that they'll produce a Phantom recording with him someday. Here's a great clip of him and Sierra Bogess singing the title song at the Olivier's:

To be honest, I've only heard Joback at the encore on this DVD, but he was God-awful just singing the few lines he sang. And Butler had no reason to be the Phantom in the movie besides that women find him attractive (which is extremely ironic if you think about the character of the Phantom).

I could talk all day about the best/worst Phantoms and all the different nuances that each actor does that I like/dislike.


Top 3
1)Gary Mayer
2)Kevin Gray
3)Davis Gaines

Bottom 3
1)Howard McGillin
2)Michael Crawford
3)Marcus Lovett

Also, just so you know, I was on the same page as you in regards to Joback for quite a while, but I assure you that there is much more to him than what you see in the 4 phantom videos. Im sure fact that he is singing with John Owen Jones, Anthony Warlow, Colm Wilkinson, Ramin Karimloo or Hugh Panaro, kinda makes him feel like he has to step it up....but he by himself is quite brilliant.
In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society.


1) Ramin
2) JOJ
3) Crawford, Earl Carpenter, Peter Karrie, Colm Wilkinson, Gary Mauer

They're all so good and so different, which makes it impossible for me to choose between them.

1) Steve Harley (just no)
2) Mark Jacoby (just no)
3) Thomas Hampton (just no)

No Gerard Butler? These three are undoubtedly worse.



1. Ramin Karimloo
2. John Owen Jones
3. Hugh Panero

1. Paul Stanley (Just look up his performances on youtube)
2. Gerard Butler


I will always love Michael Crawford the best. The man can act.

I also heard a few songs from the production where Robert Guillaume played the Phantom. He was brilliant.

I know this won't go over well, but I don't like Ramin's characterization. He's not bad, let alone even remotely the worst (I can't bring myself to name the actor I just can't stand). Ramin is too Love Never Dies. I can't find myself being sympathetic to a murdering stalker unless he can convey how broken he is. Ramin's Phantom is too strong and angry. His voice is beautiful, though. I'd much prefer him as Raul as he has a natural sweetness and terrific chemistry with Sierra Boggess.


I recently saw a video of the Korean cast in concert. Omg. The Phantom (Youngseok Yoon) and Christine (SoHyun Kim) are my current faves. His voice... O. M. G.
Plus, SoHyun Kim is the only Christine who I have ever seen actually sing that ridiculous E.

Yes, she's really singing

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((¸.•´ .•´-:¦:- Palace of the Leather Pants Chief of Staff


Top 3:
1. Ramin Karimloo
2. Hugh Panaro
3. Colm Wilkinson

Worst 3:
1. Gerard Butler
2. Peter Jöback (talented singer, just not a good voice for Erik)
3. Michael Crawford (VERY cheesy! He is far too over-the-top for the role)


I have several bootlegs with Peter Joback and he's pretty good actually. When I first saw him in the finale I had the same impression but on stage in the role he's pretty impressive. Not the best I've seen (that title still belongs to Davis Gaines) but he's definitely not the worst.
