For me, I saw the original Toronto production that apparently inspired Ramin, then I saw the movie, and a high-school production (which in all seriousness was the best of the three... tip of the hat to Walkerville).
But until seeing this version, I didn't really form any sort of connection to the characters, and I was beginning to think that maybe the Phantom story just isn't any good, and needs the music and dance and effects to hide that fact. But the acting is really at the forefront in this one, and we're helped to experience it by really good camerawork. The set is (relatively) scaled back, with video screens, a chandelier that is no longer the big event, and an inconsequential boat ride. This is the way Phantom should be done. It's certainly the best thing I can remember seeing on over-the-air TV.
9/10 (can't get past the boat and chandelier ... write them out of the musical for a 10, sorry)