MovieChat Forums > Perry Mason (2020) Discussion > One look at the artwork for this ...

One look at the artwork for this ...

and it just feels like in my gut this is going to be very short lived. Calling it Perry Mason is a gimmick that will not work at this point. Raymond Burr is Perry Mason, period.


Warren William was also a great Perry Mason, before Burr.




Nope. Raymond Burr was a version of the character as adapted for television. This is supposed to dig deeper into the true literary roots of the character instead of just being a rehash of the previous TV version.



Flimtenk -
Did you ever watch the original show?

and OtherFella -
I know the history of Perry Mason ... no need for you to kids to his-splain to me.

Just watch the show in light of my prediction. I don't think it will last past one season. Especially too they cannot even find an American actor to play Perry Mason. Boooo!



> I wouldn't have been interested in the new show were it not for the original's following and quality.

Yeah, and that quality and following is just not something you can take for granted - especially in a remake which mostly say they aspire to great things and are almost all universally terrible.


Growing up, I was obsessed with the original show. I still love it.
But I do not want a new version of Perry Mason to be based on the TV show, as the TV show is simply not the original source.


Yeah I feel like we'll be having to explain this detail to boomers who watched this show when they were kids

Before "explaining" anything to "boomers", you should try to read a book, for starters. I've read several dozen Perry Mason novels, and the new series has zero relation with the books, beyond using the same names.



Don't change the topic.

You stated "I feel like we'll be having to explain this detail to boomers"', with that 'detail' being "This is supposed to dig deeper into the true literary roots of the character", which is kinda funny since you obviously haven't read a single novel of Perry Mason in your life. πŸ˜„

Don't you think that before "explaining the true literary roots" to other people you should try (first) to read a book? I understand that it has lots of words and that's annoying, but if you want to brag about literacy and true literary roots, having read at least a few books is advisable, twitter is not enough 😏



Sure, it's so successful, you see lots of people talking about this series.

Ooops, you don't. πŸ˜‚


Dang, you're an immature millennial.



People who are 60 now where 6 when the old series ended. Geezers don't determine the success of any of today's programs!

People who've read the books might not like this, but they are rare.


My husband has read all the Perry Mason books and absolutely loves the show. We also watch the old series at least twice a week. The books do mention that Perry was a detective before he was an attorney.


This show is great, It just got renewed so your gut instinct was 100% wrong.


Yes it's GREAT NEWS to hear how others who have much more sophisticated tastes when it comes to their viewing selections have been rewarded by having this WONDERFUL show RENEWED for another SEASON!!!



It got a lot of great reviews and high ratings. If you don't like it don't watch it.
