MovieChat Forums > 13 Sins (2014) Discussion > TOTAL COPYCAT OF '13:Game of Death' Asia...

TOTAL COPYCAT OF '13:Game of Death' Asian Movie

The hell! They always copy movies from asians! especially horror films


Calm down. That's Hollywood for you. They capitalize on the market.


it is the official remake.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


It was driving me mad when I saw the scene with the bikers and the steel cord as I *knew* I'd seen that exact scene before.

I didn't realise this was a remake (even though I'd seen 13 Game of Death, durr).

It was a good film, but only because of the clever, simple premise, which it appears was just a copy. With all the amazing unfilmed books and screenplays available - Hollywood chooses to rehash.

I have to say there was some funny black humour in this though.


That said, they didn't have the surprise ending in this film be the character's asian father kill him. I loved the original up until the end when they put their offensive "ALL AMERICANS ARE EVIL VIOLENT MURDERERS" hateful message, for no reason other than a random hate speech. Imagine if the reverse happened here, with the message that all Asians are evil, there would be protests all over Hollywood.

The original needed to be fixed, and this fixed it.


The reverse has happened in Hollywood.

I hate race speeches in all movies, whatever country they're made in, but I don't think Hollywood who comes from Birth of Nation, to Jim Crow movies, to actions movies that create enemies out of whole races (depending on what the CIA views as enemies in whichever decade, i.e., cold war Russians, post 9/11 Arabs, North Koreans, Japanese, etc., etc.,) can't really talk IMO. Hollywood might be more subtle at it these days, but the American trope is still there.

If they fixed it for this movie they didn't do it out of some moral view, just obviously their target audience wouldn't appreciate it.


Nothing is wrong in a good remake. Believe it or not but english is the universal language which makes movies made in english accessible to hundreds of millions of viewers more than a Chinese, Japanese or Thai movie.
That said, English isn't my first language and I've watched hundreds of original foreign movies with subtitles but I still prefer to watch an English movie rather than spend half the time reading subtitles and wondering if those subtitles are accurate.


"but english is the universal language"

bs! you understand the earth's percentage of french or chinese speaking people, right?

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


Do you understand that when you have a room full of Chinese, French and Hispanic the language they will all use to communicate is English? Like it or not but it's reality.
On a side note, have you once been outside of the world of English speaking countries?



You're an idiot
Mandarin chinese and Spanish are the lingua franca of the business world.

English is only the third most spoken language in the world and even then it ties with French if you discount the fact that it is the language used by air traffic control world wide.

Children in non English speaking countries are usually multi lingual by age ten, EXCEPT in the UK, USA and Australasia where the majority of people seem to think speaking, slowly, loudly and prodding someone in time with the words acts as a universal translator.

Atheism is a religion in the same way that celibacy is a sexual position


well such is vry racis and shoud b baned ok.......... well i'ts vry meen so bad i h8 it.........


Good, I actually like to watch movies in the English language.


The proper term is "remake".
