Why did he narrate himself?
Mark Cousins is a bit of an oddball and always has been (see his 10 films that "changed the world" list from a year back) very adamant about movies he likes and doesn't like. I was really looking forward to this doc as I'm a huge fan of film history and appreciation. But my god, after going through the first hour of this thing, with his accent and the annoying way he ends each and every sentence by prolonging the last letter of his words, I had to turn it off. Also, we dont need your personal opinion and gossipy tidbits about the productions of movies. He should have taken a page out of Scorsese's Personal Journey doc, where he's able to relate a bit of his own personal history while allowing the films he talks about breathe and stand on their own. Also, NEVER narrate anything again old chap, you don't have the voice for it.