I'm at a loss. The first one was hands down one of the most jaw dropingly bad peices of crap eve. found footage film with expert editing (if the footage was found...who edited it?) and also had a musical score (was there an orchestra hiding behind the camera playing music the whole time?) and then at the end it turned out that SHE WAS NEVER POSESSED TO BEGIN WITH SO THERE WAS NO EXORCISM!!) and now we have this movie which has the lamest title ever. EVER! and it drops the "found footage" aspect and is treating her as actually possessed by demons which the first film stated she was not?!?!?!??! WTF?!?!?!?!?! this is a joke, and anyone who liked the first one has some SERIOUSLY low standards. THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE is a recent exorcist film that's actually great, and...you know.....HAS an exorcism in it. and an actual ending.
The first one was hands down one of the most jaw dropingly bad peices of crap eve.
I loved it, personally.
found footage film with expert editing (if the footage was found...who edited it?)
That's something the filmmakers wanted you to ask yourself. They even suggested that people wonder if maybe the demon did it.
and then at the end it turned out that SHE WAS NEVER POSESSED TO BEGIN WITH SO THERE WAS NO EXORCISM!!
Sounds like you weren't paying attention at the end.
and now we have this movie which has the lamest title ever.
I don't see anything wrong with the title, even though I think the movie looks like crap.
EVER! and it drops the "found footage" aspect and is treating her as actually possessed by demons which the first film stated she was not?!?!?!??!
While I hate dropping the found footage aspect, again I say: you didn't pay attention to the first movie. She most certainly was possessed. Where do you think the non-human infant she gave birth to came from, for instance?
this is a joke, and anyone who liked the first one has some SERIOUSLY low standards.
Actually, critical reviews were mostly positive. 73% (70% top critics) at RottenTomatoes and 63% at Metacritic. Not Citizen Kane level reviews, but certainly very good, especially considering the genre. So it's amazing to say they had low standards, considering how nitpicky we know critics can be.
Not sure how anyone can like the first film,the poster made it look creepy but when you watch the film that scene is nowhere to be seen,I know the wardrobe she is on top of was airbrushed out of the poster but really,I would call that false advertising,I'm just pleased my friend payed for the DVD I watched and I didn't waste any money on that misleading piece of crap,in any other business they would let people demand there money back for false advertising Ps. How does a demon put music on a film?
You're judging a movie by it's poster, rather than taking the film itself on its own terms?
As for a demon putting music on film- if they can possess people to murder, get pregnant with demonic fetuses, or gain a large number of cult members to be its followers, putting music to a bit of film shouldn't be any trouble.
I'm not judging the film by its poster,I've seen the film and I still thought it was crap,but while we're on the subject and you seem to pick up on anyone who has the slightest hint of disappoint with this film,would you please explain the poster for me?and one more question,were you involved with this crappy film?
I guess what it came down to for me was A.) the last exorcism never contained a REAL exorcism. Although it has been pointed out to me that the film was origionally going to be called somply "Cotton" and he is the main character, so it is in fact HIS last exorcism. So in a round about way I was wrong about the title and it does sorta stick. B.) the editing, camera angles and scary movie music pulled me out every time. If they wanted those aspects they should have filmed it like a regular movie. Those things show sings of filmmakers not all that confident in their product and adding spects in which don't belong in a "found footage" film. C.) she gave birth to a demon baby. but the exorcism was faked? and the actual "last exorcism" wasn't all that clear if it was just a demon baby she was giving birth too. it's a non ending, much like the recent DARK SKIES. Again, I guess for sheer shock value it will jolt, but it makes no sense. D.) rotten tomatoes and metacritic and box office mojo and other sites of that ilk have to be taken in context. like, this movie had a HUGE openinging, which is why we're getting the *beep* and embarrasingly named "The last exorcism part 2" but it ALSO had a HORRIBLE drop off the next week, and a horrible cinamascore rating, which means bad word of mouth.
the editing, camera angles and scary movie music pulled me out every time. If they wanted those aspects they should have filmed it like a regular movie. Those things show sings of filmmakers not all that confident in their product and adding spects in which don't belong in a "found footage" film.
No it doesn't. It just shows they wanted them in. I thought they were a nice touch, myself. Obviously, if they want you to think that a demon perhaps edited the documentary, they'd go with the music. It may also work for some people to set up their expectations that Cotton and crew make come out of this unscathed, since the documentary appears to be so complete and nicely edited at the beginning. A good many (maybe most) found footage films end with something awful happening to the main characters, so there's no reason for the film to be edited or whatever documentary they're going for to be completed.
she gave birth to a demon baby. but the exorcism was faked?
Is there a problem there? The demon baby existed independently of Cotton's non-belief.
and the actual "last exorcism" wasn't all that clear if it was just a demon baby she was giving birth too. it's a non ending, much like the recent DARK SKIES. Again, I guess for sheer shock value it will jolt, but it makes no sense.
Actually, it does make sense if you pay attention to the movie. Early on, they talk about a cult that feels they need to "feed souls to the devil." They throw the demonic baby into the fire to unleash Abalam. How that worked isn't really clarified, but you get the basic idea of what they're doing.
It's made pretty clear it's a demonic baby. 1. The Abalam text mentions the defiling of an innocent. 2. The kid Nell named as the father obviously can't be. 3. Not only is there a close up shot of a creature-looking fetus making unhuman noises, Cotton flat-out states that "that isn't human!"
All that aside, there was a conclusion there. The movie was the story of Cotton's loss of faith. He lost it, and then he gets it back. Everything else is really sort of incidental. His character arc, and thus the focus of the plot, is concluded.
rotten tomatoes and metacritic and box office mojo and other sites of that ilk have to be taken in context. like, this movie had a HUGE openinging, which is why we're getting the *beep* and embarrasingly named "The last exorcism part 2" but it ALSO had a HORRIBLE drop off the next week, and a horrible cinamascore rating, which means bad word of mouth.
The context is that the critics liked the movie overall, but audiences generally didn't. I find it really went over their heads, particularly the ending. They went in expecting a run of the mill horror/exorcism movie, and got something slightly more quality. It's a movie about faith with horror elements, not a straight up scare flick, as well as one you have to actually pay attention to and think about. Sad to say, audiences aren't always good at that.
I'd say if the film dialed down on the horror elements and dialed up on the belief and faith being challenged stuff with Cotton, then I probably would have liked it more. And there is just no getting around the fancy editing/camera work/music for me. NONE. either it's a "found footage" movie or it's a regular movie, or hell, they could have even put up a title card at the beginning saying "This docu was made from footage found while covering Rev cotton.." etc not giving the ending away or it's nature while at the same time giving an explanation for the film making. If your interested in movies that deal with challenging faith with horror overtones, or straight up overt horror in them I'd reccomend the highly superior in every way: The Exorcism of Emily Rose AUDRY ROSE (it's a bit older) Just typing those made me realize how similar their names are, haha, but the plots are almost the same (emily rose has MUCH more horror, where as AUDRY ROSE focuses on the court room aspects of it's plot)
And there is just no getting around the fancy editing/camera work/music for me. NONE. either it's a "found footage" movie or it's a regular movie, or hell
That's a shame. The only problem I had with the music is the "jump moments." I'm not a fan of jump scares in general, but certain well done ones I can enjoy. That just usually isn't the case when it's an instance of cranking up the sound just for a startle than trusting that what's on screen is genuinely scary.
I haven't seen Audry Rose, thanks for the suggestion. I love Emily Rose. My top three possession flicks are The Exorcist, Emily Rose, and Last Exorcism. (I'm dreading this sequel, I'm just on this board to get user opinions.)
Sequel is not as bad as everyone says it is.. I feel bad for that girl. Some people simply worry about thinking too much during films and being critical impressarios afterwards
Please stop saying a demon edited the movie. That does not help in the defense of the movie in any way.
There's no problem with music being added afterwards by a human producer. Someone found it, edited it & released it. That's what found footage is. Or is it just supposed to be a coincidence that every time someone finds footage of an incident, it's only 90 minutes long?
I loved the first one. Until the ending. The ending infuriated me and kinda ruined the rest of the movie for me. Part II is one of the worst movies I have ever seen! we actually gave it 1/10 in our review. What a pointless movie.
"Which of course is why the film is titled “The Last Exorcism” b/c this is the last exorcism of Reverend Cotton’s exorcism career" - that was the only quote of worth to my complaints on the film I think. In that context, the title totally makes sense. I think The title didn't mis lead me alone in what i expected of the film, but the marketing as well. They sold it as a "home video Exorcist." But that article did make me realize that it's Cottons last exorcism, and it's his movie. I still think the expert camera editing and angle changes and Music in a film proporting to be "found footage" is just laughable and, for me, took me right out, and every time the film seemed to build some steam, there'd be another "film making" device used in what should have been a found footage experience. The paranormal activity films have lost a whole hell of a lot of steam as of late, but the first two did an AMAZING job of establishing the found footage motife, and making it believable, which THE LAST EXORCISM absolutly failed at. *Also of note, Ti Wests far superior "THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL" had the same ending as this, but did it better. and also was made well before LAST EXORCISM. Intersting to note that Eli Roth produced LAST EXORCISM, and is now producing Ti Wests' upcoming feature.
Well I guess thats it then. You were able to suspend your belief for TLE and I was not. Clearly we'll never see eye to eye as THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL had a brilliant slow build of suspence to an equally brilliant Exlamation point of an ending, again which you don't agree with. haha. to each there own. But i'd say we disagree on some fundamental basics of of the horror genre and what works and what doesn't so there'll never be any convincing me of the merit or worth of TLE and i'll never be conviced that THOTD is nothing short of spectacular.
Apparently OP's dumbass missed the last third of the movie. As such his opinion, (which doesn't even get the movie's plot right), is chucked out the window along with his extensive account history consisting of exactly 11 posts, all but two of which have been posted in the last week or so. Chances of him being a troll is extremely high. If he's not trolling then he's just mentally deficient as he can't even understand the plot of the straightforward first movie.
Look, I've been posting on IMDB for a long time and on a variety of topics and this kind of crap shows up without fail on ALL of them. I'm tired of this crap and I'm done being nice.
Yup, I'm new to posting on the message boards. Doesn't make my opinion any less relevant than any one elses.
Nope, not mine, nor any one's opinion can be "Wrong" and if you look through the entire conversation I started you'll see that a few people pointed things out about my post that i was wrong about (my hatred toward the title being the biggest one)
And having just paroosed YOUR profile and some of the numerous posts you've put up lead me to think that your "im done being nice" comment is what should be "cucked out the window" as your mean spirited and bully tactic answer and respinces seem to be your modus operandi and has been for quite some time.
I did not like the ending of the Last Exorcism. I didn't understand it for one, and I also didn't like the execution. The ending has been explained to me over and over again, and at this point it's not a matter of me not understanding it, as I now have several options of what the ending meant to choose from, but it didn't scare me.
I actuality was surprised by the first one being good. I was semi original and had a decent characters. But how can you start with the name "The Last""Part 2" Come on people. :-)
The first movie premiered on mainstream TV a little while back, yet I didn't bother to watch it. These PG-13 child-friendly exorcism movies are merely pretentious.
Until people stop going to the cinema to watch trivial stuff like this, the closer we are to getting an actual 'horrific' horror film.
"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art
Are we talking about the right movie.There was no found footage.And how is your conclusion she wasn't possessed when she had a demon baby that was thrown into the fire in a ritually sacrifice via satanic ritual.
Some of the stuff doesn't make sense,but not a lot.She was obvisously possessed.That was made clear.
I think in the end she was a good person but her survival instincts kicked in.The demon told her you're about to die from a morphine overdose,take my hand and you'll live.
This is a damn good horror movie.The last really good original movie was the blair witch project hands down.Alot of filmmakers have tried to redo the whole found footage.But this movies is definitely a 6.5 imo..For originality and overall concept.