What on earth were they thinking? < < SPOILERS > >
When I watch something that doesn't make sense to me, I have to wonder what the writers were thinking. They do have control over the characters and plot after all. So why would they make such a mess of this movie? The biggest problem was the main character. Were we supposed to be rooting for a girl who...
1. Has a master's degree and is 30 years old and works for her dad as a sign twirler.
2. Lies to her boyfriend about getting a career and some direction in life and instead goes to her parents' house to watch TV.
3. Thinks it's cute to stand on something and pop her head in to make someone laugh because at 30, that's funny.
4. When faced with the choice of buying kids alcohol (and is then responsible for their actions while they're under the influence) decides to load them up.
5. When dealing with an issue that makes her uncomfortable, runs away.
6. Upon running away and having nowhere to go, sneaks in the house and sleeps on the floor with the high schooler she just met.
7. Uses her time away not to reflect and gain perspective and figure out what to do with the rest of her life but instead, gets drunk and sleeps with high school kid's father.
8. Lies to boyfriend ABOUT EVERYTHING and then decides, after cheating on him, to go ahead and get married. (only doesn't go through with it b/c of "the group")
9. Shows no growth, no resolution, no direction, no anything and then returns to 45-year-old's house to continue their one-week relationship.
Not to mention:
10. Accepts to be the godmother of lifelong friend's child and upon learning of the birth, does not even bother to acknowledge it?
There are more but I think this makes my point. Let's put aside the physical age difference. This girl acts like she's 18 not 30. Can we be happy for her that she has no idea who she is, what she wants and where she's going but she has her young friend's hot dad, so yay! We're all happy!
The writers actually have control over where this story goes and this was how they resolved her conflict.
If not for Sam Rockwell (who rocks in this movie) this would have been a train wreck. And for not yet 30, Knightly is looking a bit rough.