I admit, I had not really been following or that concerned with this trans issue that Republicans are using as their current hot button issue.
Stewart has experts discussing the facts, and an interview with Texas's Attorney General. It was on Apple TV.
I had stopped watching the show until I saw this subject being covered and thought I might learn something. I did. I learned mostly that it is a fake, nothing, issue.
There are no studies into long-term hormone use. Stewart is incapable of citing any studies.
Yes, he can point to oh-so-trustworthy doctors who say it's all above board. Like the ones Matt Walsh cornered and mauled in his documentary. Wasn't too long ago that doctors were getting bungs from cigarette companies to tout their products. Money talks, and each "transition" creates a lasting patient with a dollar sign painted on their forehead.
The problem with the lefts definition of a “woman” is that it includes the word “woman” meaning we can’t know what a woman is until we know what a woman is. It’s circular logic
Well, first when you are talking about the Left, the possessive is Left's.
Then there is you seem to know what the Left is better than you know what a woman is.
And then there is the fact that I never mentioned "The Left", I was speaking about John Stewart's current program, and this episode being far more informative than the nonsense you hear from trolls on MovieChat, or the trolls that push this "What Is A Woman" attack on women and transgender people.
And finally, I don't think it is an issue that intelligent people are confused about, only Right-wing trolls and nuts try to expand their never-ending hate agenda to as many more minority groups as possible in their attempt to divide Americans, and demean women.
And it’s called I’m typing from my phone dingleberry so obviously it’s hard to make sure you add in every apostrophe especially considering it’s much harder to go back and change something than it is if you are typing from a laptop.
And I’m talking about the left wing in this country who are trying to redefine what a woman is yet their own definition is in itself a contradiction.
Lol no one is trying to demean women (except the left wing in how they treat conservative women), all I am doing is calling you out on your nonsense and logical fallacies. You don’t even know what a woman is, you can’t even define it.
Also please explain how asking “what is a woman” (which the left still can not give a logical answer to) is an attack on women and transgenders? You can ask me all you want what is a man (someone with an XY chromosome pair) and I don’t flip my shit like you fragile little snowflakes do.
The inherent issue is that the tans issue closely follows gender stereotypes despite there being more interesting appoaches such as brain differences when it comes to gender or Güevedoces
So basicaly ignorance on the subject matter
Many men certainty freak out about the mere term toxic masculinity assuming it means something it doesn't,
We have used mm of brai structures as seen by mri to define what a woman is, but
To simplify a woman is someone with a female brsin, but that ends up being cyclical right? So shove the data into an ai and let the ai figure it out https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34122531/
Is a woman an individual with a vagina? Vulva? Is it just chromosomes? If being a woman or a man is something that is simply biological, why do we have comments about "being a real man!" or "a proper woman" Is being a woman the same thing as being female? Are there rites of passage to being a woman? Is a woman the same thing as a girl? Do you have to menstruate to be a woman? Are you a woman? If not what right do you have to try to define what it is to be a woman to anyone else?
I actually did define a woman and even if I didn’t it wouldn’t matter because all I did was ask a question which seems to be unanswerable (which it isn’t)
I already did it comes down to the cellular level, men have an XY pair of sex chromosomes while women have an XX set. And before you say it yes I know there are genetic disorders out there which produce some grey areas, that’s why they are considered genetic disorders. Someone who just starts dressing like a woman and says they are a woman doesn’t have a genetic disorder. If it turns out they do have a genetic disorder I’d be willing to look at that individual case specifically.
Now why is it I can’t get an answer to the question? I’m guessing you’re just afraid to answer.
EDIT: I also think you should apologize for lying about me not defining a woman and for asserting that I expected someone to define a woman when A) I already did define one , B) I’m not the one claiming to be the moral authority on what constitutes a woman and C) I’m not the one who is using circular logic, you’ll notice that I didn’t use the word “woman” in my definition.
I'm not afraid to answer. I don't know the answer. I completely agree that biologically males and females a differentiated by chromosomes. I don't really know many people who disagree on the biology of what is male and female.
Society has different emphasis on what is a MAN and what is a WOMAN.
Do you disagree that there isn't pressure on some xys to be a "real man"? What is a real man compared to a soy boy? Until that sort of crap goes away I can't answer you as to what a woman is.
I also don't know exactly what sort of condition being a trans person is. I don't know if it's a mental illness. I don't know if there is something on the biological level that we just haven't discovered yet. Do I think that someone living as a transwoman is biologically the same as a cis woman? I do not. Will I call that individual a woman? Yes I will. I don't really care if they still have a penis or not. If they wish to live in women's clothing, and act the way they think women act, it makes no difference to me. If science hasn't figured it out yet, it's not my place to make people feel worse than they already do.
And if they want to pretend that they are the other gender that’s fine, I’ll pretend along with them in their presence, I’ll even call them by their pronouns but they aren’t the other gender. Societal pressure is irrelevant, if society was pressing me to be a woman and I went along with it I still wouldn’t be a woman.
If you went along with being a woman because society told you to I wouldn't call you a woman. I would call you someone who needs help and I would try to get you the help you needed. The societal pressure I'm talking about isn't pressure to be a gender different that your biological sex. I'm talking about the pressure which creates toxic masculinity or femininity because of ideals of what a man or woman should be.
The fact is that neither you nor I knows what it is to be a trans person. I do not know what sort of struggles they are actually enduring. I don't consider what a trans person is doing is pretending.
Whether or not I understand the struggles they are going through is also irrelevant. I’m sure they are going through struggles, that doesn’t mean they are women. And they are pretending, they have every right to pretend , and as I said previously I’ll still give them their pronouns but that doesn’t mean they are women, I’m just treating them as they want to be treated
Because whether one thinks they are a woman or not is irrelevant. It comes down to the cellular level however there are genetic disorders out there that produce some grey areas and in those cases I’m willing to consider them on a case by case basis
And no it’s not a way from running away from the issue. I said if someone had a genetic disorder like Klinefelter syndrome I would be willing to talk about grey areas. If you don’t have a genetic disorder then there is no grey area.
And if we have a person with an XY chromosome pair with an excessive amount of estrogen then we have a male with a hormonal imbalance, he’s not a woman. If he wants to get pretend he’s a woman, great, I say you do you, but he’s not a woman.
I wonder how many heterosexual men - who support the idea that "woman" and "man" is more than not a matter of gender identity - are willing to put their principles to the test and have regular sex with (perhaps eventually marry) male-to-female transgenders. If a biological man claims to be a woman then there should absolutely be no difference between them and biological, heterosexual women so far as dating, sex, and marriage is concerned....presumably. We all know of course that this is a total crock. Probably the same goes for heterosexual women, but I wouldn't presume to know. I do know that I find transgender women physically repulsive, including at an instinctive old-brain level. Pheromones, monkey-man mating instincts, visual appeal, everything.
What I take offense to is apparently just respecting the decisions of transgender people apparently isn’t enough for the woke SJW crowd, apparently I have to agree that they are literally the gender that they think they are or else I’m a bigot. Total nonsense