MovieChat Forums > Non-Stop (2014) Discussion > Remember when Liam Neeson used to be a t...

Remember when Liam Neeson used to be a top tier actor?

He must be really desperate... Taken, Taken 2, now this? Pity the guy. Ditto Julianne Moore.


Big names sell movies like this. Look at actors who the minute after they win Oscars, they go star in some throwaway summer action flick. This film is an example. Lupita Nyong,o wins Oscar for 12 Years a Slave, then gets a (very) small part in a flick like this, probably for big bucks. Phillip Seymore Hoffman wins for Capote then does Mission:Impossible 3, probably making more money for that film than any other his entire career. Even the best actors will go where the money talks to them!


Taken 1-3, Walking Among Tombstones, Non-stop, Run All night are all great.


I heard he accepts pretty much every role he is offered because he lost his wife and is majorly depressed but when he is working it takes his mind off of things.

Don't be a hater, dear.


... before he started taking action roles for money, yeah.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I thought the premise was crap but Liam Neeson always delivers. He made this watchable. Julianne Moore is also a good co-star.

The early bird might get the worm, but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese!


He's playing a lot of this type of character now. A trouble character with some past he's dealing with that catches up to him. Taken, The Grey, A Walk Among the Tombstones, Run All Night and this.




Seems like this thread is good time to reflect on an interesting attribute of viable professional actors: They're dependable. The idea is that you can call him/her, they'll show up on time, take direction well, and get as close to delivering whatever product you may have in mind as well as can be expected from human beings.

In the end, that's a lot of what professional acting is about.

What you're talking about is a combination of pressure to typecast, combined with Neeson's/Moore's willingness to give in to that pressure. The thing about Moore is that she's done some very good artistic work, and in my mind has paid her dues: She can do whatever she damn well pleases, and doesn't lose much, in my eyes.

(OK, OK,... She came close to losing me with "Evolution"....).

And I'd like that. But that 5h1t ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield
