MovieChat Forums > Non-Stop (2014) Discussion > Remember when Liam Neeson used to be a t...

Remember when Liam Neeson used to be a top tier actor?

He must be really desperate... Taken, Taken 2, now this? Pity the guy. Ditto Julianne Moore.


He's making a LOT more money now. He has always been one of my favorites (since I first saw him on a Miami Vice episode! I always joke with my husband that I discovered Liam Neeson) and I would love to see him in more serious roles like Schindler's List, but I'm glad he's having so much success, I'm glad movie-goers like him.


i really enjoyed him in this movie....i am glad he had such a successful carreer. i feel like i discovered him in Leap of Faith with steve martin....


Pity that you actually think he's desparate for money. He's had enough of the films you think he should be doing. He doesn't need to please the likes of you. He's rolling in it, he's living his life and he doesn't need your pity.


Of course, "I don't have alzheimer's." 



liam neeson = master thespian

Maybe I should get, get me, find me a script with a retarded slave then I get me the oscar.



I remember him on Krull


The Taken films may be ludicrous, but I thought this was a very solid thriller and that Neeson was excellent in the role.
