MovieChat Forums > Non-Stop (2014) Discussion > Julianne Moore's character

Julianne Moore's character

All of the sudden, there is this emotional monologue about her heart condition and any minute she might have a fatal heart attack.
What was the point of this minor story arch?
It reminded me of the "I definitely have breast cancer " conversation in The Room, because that wasn't addressed any further either.


I just took it as an awkwardly placed monologue, with the purpose of explaining her (increasingly up to that point) suspicious behavior. It had to be some thing personal and heavy enough to convince him that he was wrong. To douse any lingering doubts, she readily drank the alcohol he thought could be poisoned.


Also, I wouldn't really consider it a story arc as it was contained within that short bit of dialogue (not even, just the monologue really.)


I guess to fully clear her as the villain, and they also wanted to set up the implied future romantic relationship between her and Neeson at the end
