MovieChat Forums > All Is Lost (2013) Discussion > Do you talk when you're alone?

Do you talk when you're alone?

I do, though not always, but enough to say if I'd awakened to my boat taking on water I would have at least said, "What the HELL?!" And if this movie had starred me... I would have had pages of monologue.

What an odd choice that our sailor Redford says nothing, barely even a groan throughout, except one loud f-bomb. This bothered me more than anything else, even the shaving scene.

Interesting film overall, and a good performance by mute Redford.


Yes I do, and it bugged me too throughout - and I knew there'd be a thread about it...I think most people do it, and would do it under those circumstances. Not like an insane person, but to an extent. In that sense "Wilson" in Castaway was great, because we are social creatures at heart and there is that need.


Robert Redford's got 11 years on me, but everybody is different. I'm a little odd. Most of my "talking to myself" is a burst of super ugly Sopranos level profanity very loud if I stub my toe or something. But if something really dangerous happens or almost happens or looks like it is going to happen I mostly don't say anything. I'm a compulsive self memo writer though. All the time. I will jump out of bed and write a memo on the computer if something occurs to me that I don't want to forget.


His silence worked for me but I would have talked to the fish. I would have talked to God, especially when I didn't get to talk to anyone on the container ships. I would have talked while I reviewed my life as well as doing whatever survival work could be done but that's how different people operate. The thinking, exhaustion, effort, boredom, relentless wet, hope, futility and the ending were conveyed well without talking.



I talk to myself all the time. Have done since, ooh, like forever. I hold lengthy conversations. It's what keeps me insane. I always know when I'm feeling a bit down, because I stop talking. But I solve all kinds of problems this way. Discuss YOUR problems out loud and they often show you the way to fix 'em! This particular little fragment itself probably started out loud in the bath or while driving long distances.

As for the movie, I didn't think Redford's character was a very good sailor, and I know nothing about boats. Despite that it just seemed to me that he should have drowned many times due to incompetence. In short, the movie wasn't very good, although Redford the actor put in an excellent performance for such an old guy.


I talk when I'm alone, all the time -- I also reply to myself, often having full conversations. I call it "the other me" and it's a good way to work $hit out .. problems, situations, break the boredom/loneliness, and whatnot.

Might sound crazy to some, but not to us.


Yeah plus I make noises and beats with my mouth. Sing random lyrics to random songs that pop into my mind. I whistle a lot too. This film would've been more interesting if it were my life on the line.


Maybe someone wrote this already, but I find his muteness rather plausible. Once he is in that situation, he is focused on surviving and doesn't worry about any other thing. Only once he realizes that he is failing does he try to let out his anger. I find that quite commendable. OK, I myself might be singing and cursing in his situation, but then I'm not, and I guess it takes a certain self-centered and more-or-less autistic personality to undertake such a trip in the first place. If you think you have the need to leave human company for a while, why would you have a desire to vocally communicate with yourself instead?

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