MovieChat Forums > All Is Lost (2013) Discussion > Do you talk when you're alone?

Do you talk when you're alone?

I do, though not always, but enough to say if I'd awakened to my boat taking on water I would have at least said, "What the HELL?!" And if this movie had starred me... I would have had pages of monologue.

What an odd choice that our sailor Redford says nothing, barely even a groan throughout, except one loud f-bomb. This bothered me more than anything else, even the shaving scene.

Interesting film overall, and a good performance by mute Redford.


I know by experience that I talk to myself when I'm alone, and much more so if I'm REALLY alone!


Sometimes. and a hole in the boat would certainly cause a WTF from me.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.



Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists independent of what anyone thinks



Considering lack of urgency when boat was leaking and the shaving before a storm it was quite clear he was meant to be protrayed as incompetent sailor. Heck, even his patch was damn badly done.
So its not like hes brave enough to solo sail, more like stupid enough.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.




Sometimes I hum and sing when I'm alone, too.


All the time.
The warden says I´m going back to solitary if I won´t stop.

"...but they hung him anyway."
"Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry."


Voice or no voice, I think he did great in such a physical part( He's 77).


No talking was weird, but I went with it. But when that thing popped up after his boat sank and he didn't laugh, that's when I thought "this man has no soul".


That's so funny that you mention that - I totally had the same reaction.


"Do you talk when you're alone?" Well only if you are Sandra Bullock - Gravity.


I'm really old, and I do talk to myself, but I don't 'do' exposition. I think that's the difference. I might yell at the shock jock on the radio when I'm driving, but I don't sit there and describe the idiot's actions that just cut me off or is talking on the phone in the car next to me...
And that might be an issue for some people with these sorts of films.... I can't remember; was this an issue with Castaway?


@mcgill-646-33556 ...was this an issue with Castaway?
In Castaway Tom Hanks gets a Wilson volleyball, which he names "Wilson," and has "conversations" with it.


In Castaway Tom Hanks...
thanks for that. I did see the movie years ago. And back to the topic, I remember a psychologist posing the question: 'are you crazy if you talk to yourself? No; only if you listen.' Boom, boom.


Man, I can't even come to this conversation without having someone take a cheap shot at Gravity... I would bet a sizeable sum that if I went to Battleship Potemkin there would be someone banging on about Gravity.... and 'that' scene!!
Maybe there's someone giving an explanation as to how it is impossible for the baby carriage to go down the stairs 'that' way... and the movie was ruined for them.


I assume your last sentence has to do with 'The Untouchables"?
Not sure if what it has to do with the first part of your post
but I just want to say that I have seen Gravity a few times
already, and also have watched Cast Away many times. Both of
these movies have long scenes of a person by themselves but
talking to themselves and giving out exposition. Not including
the "Angel" scene, as I like to call it in Gravity, She is
just talking to herself. In Cast Away, they work it out so
that Hanks is "talking" to Wilson.
OK, I just want to say that I don't care about what anybody
thinks, or if they believe me, but I talk just like that to
myself ALL THE TIME. There is a post here in this thread that
says that when driving in traffic that someone might yell at
another car, but not say out loud describing what that person
might be doing wrong. That is a bunch of crap. I do this
all time the time. If I am in a parking lot and someone is about
to backup into me, I would say "look at this idiot, what does
think he is doing? He doesn't have enough room to clear that
spot. What is that guy thinking??" Sometimes I will speak like
this when my wife is in the car, and she will answer me, and
I will yell back and say that I am not talking to her, lol.
I am a mechanic, and work with my hands tinkering with
stuff all day. I will talk to myself, literally giving what
would be considered exposition, while I am doing crap.

Maybe I am in the small minority, but whatever. When I
watch someone like Redford plays in this movie, who
never speaks once to himself, I think it seems way more
forced than if he at least would say a cuss world from
time to time. That is just not normal, sorry.


I assume your last sentence has to do with 'The Untouchables"?
No, Battleship Potemkin. But The Untouchables did a take on the same image of the out of control pram.
Not sure if what it has to do with the first part of your post
never mind. Just another one of my brain meltdowns. They happen. I think I was just venting about how some people on these boards get overwrought with errors that occur in movies these days. And it will usually end with 'ruined the movie for me' hyperbole. I linked that to the silent classic BP and wondered if there are film critics going on about the pram scene and how it 'ruined the movie for me' because a pram will not go down the stairs that way. A bit awkward? Probably.

Anyway, liked the rest of your post.
I would say "look at this idiot, what does
think he is doing? He doesn't have enough room to clear that
spot. What is that guy thinking??"
yes, more than passing familiar!

Sometimes I will speak like this when my wife is in the car, and she will answer me, and I will yell back and say that I am not talking to her, lol.
Are you tall and a beautiful blonde? You sound just like my wife. "Sorry, love; what did you say?" "No, I was talking to myself/the dogs/the television." "Okay. Just checking", I reply.

I have Redford's movie on top of the list, so I will check it out with this sort of thing in mind. Thanks for your thoughts.


Don't forget he did say "God!" before he uttered the f-bomb. Too bad, Hollywood could have had him stop while he was ahead, but no, they needed a PG-13 rating.

Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists independent of what anyone thinks
