To anyone who gave this movie a four or less,I would like to ask why. Please justify your reason for the low score.
Also I will not accept any answer along the lines of "It waz duh wurst moovee I evr saw becuz it waz duh most boringest moovee evar". That doesn't count.
I think it's mostly millenials who can't sit through a long story without dialogue. It's the antithesis of the constant feed of stimulus that they need in order to be engaged by something.
So guess what? We can kiss slow-burn contemplative storytelling goofbye.
My wife watched it when I wasn't around, and she hated it.
She doesn't go for the kind of intellectual discussion that I prefer (frustrating for me at times), but she has a stronger 'gut reaction' to things than I have, which makes for very simple, direct reviews.
She basically hated it because she found it incredibly boring and derivative.
I'm sorry if this falls into the category of a review that 'doesn't count' in your eyes, but that's how my wife reviews things. I can blather on all day about story, character, theme, design, while my wife sees things in a simpler way. For example, she loves the film This Is England. Why? Purely for the performance of the kid. That's all she needs to key into.
Not everybody is interested in justifying their reasons for liking something or not. Some people have more of an emotional reaction than an intellectual one. Those who react emotionally are more likely to hand out 1's and 10's around here than those to react more intellectually.