I wouldn't even ask if I were you, because it would just infuriate me at all of the idiots that can't get through a film that doesn't have fights, explosions, sex, nudity, or sophomore humour in it...
My guess would be that most of the people who thought this film was boring are those "MTV generation" types who have to have scenes change every five minutes and must have stimulating dialogue. They are probably also mostly under the age of 30...
This was a brilliantly-made film and should win an Oscar for the cinematography. I gave it an 8.
Finally! Someone who gets it. I was at first astonished by the negative reaction to this film, especially the comments that it is boring. Then I realized, like you, why and how they think: no car crashes, no shouted f words, no gun or fist fights, no leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
I won't even go into the poster who decided the sailor had dementia (what makes him think that?), or that he found himself on a sailboat not knowing where he was or how to sail, or light a flare. Incredible. He was sailing his own sailboat alone across some vast ocean; people do it all the time. Why is that so hard to understand? Or that his boat, under sail, collided with a shipping container and sustained damage. How many every day sailors ever find themselves in a predicament where they need to light a flare? Very few, I'm guessing, since that's an emergency tool. Added to that, the man had been in a lifeboat with little water and a lot of sun for six days; he just might not be functioning as he normally would, when completely hydrated and well. Comments such as these imply movie goers more comfortable with super heroes and/or action film characters such as those played by Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis (in the old days), Liam Neeson, etc. In other words, fantasy world stuff.
The posters who dislike this film are apparently unfamiliar with the term "character study", which is what this film is. Redford plays a real man, a man who finds himself in trouble at sea through no fault of his own. And he does everything he can think of to get himself out of that trouble. Perhaps he shaves because he is trying to keep to a normal routine. He eats, too, and sleeps. And in any case, he shaves before the storm hits.
Like or dislike this movie on its merits but disliking it because it is "boring" or "has no dialogue" or "only one nameless character" says nothing about the film, but quite a lot about the commenters.