MovieChat Forums > The Outsider (2018) Discussion > I really don't understand the dislike fo...

I really don't understand the dislike for this one

I think 6.3 on IMDB, 17% Rotten Tomato score and so-so reviews for this Netflix film are a little harsh. I thought this was a very good gangster crime thriller, well acted and the 2 hours flew by.

I would have liked to have seen this with Takashi Miike/Tom Hardy duo, I think Hardy would have been totally more convincing for this role then Jared Leto (who was solid enough). Even Michael Fassbender was touted for the lead in this.

Had plenty of blood and violence. Always great to see the underrated Tadanobu Asano in any film and the beautiful Shiori Kutsuna from DeadPool fame. Leto was fine, although I always find him more entertaining in more left field supporting roles rather then leading man roles. Very well directed too.

Again not without it's flaws but this is way better then 6.3 on IMDB.


I thought it was pretty decent but I'd only say about a 7


It had so much more potential there with American ex GI finding his way into Yazuka in 50's Japan. It probably didn't quite get to great levels it should have with it's premise. But it was a entertaining watch, I had it on my Netflix watch list for a while but cause of the not so great rating I just put it off, so I'm happy I gave it a watch cause it was very enjoyable gangster film. Definitely better then it's 6.3 rating, I'd go around maybe lower 7's (7.2 for me).


7.2 is pretty fair


I liked it as well. It dragged a little in the middle though. But still pretty cool flick.


I don't think it needed to be 2 hours, could have shaved 15 minutes of it and probably would have helped the flow of the film. I really would have liked to seen a Tom Hardy or Michael Fassbender in the lead role more so Hardy, Leto was good but tough to buy him as badass type. Emilie Hirsch stuff could have been cut out and doubt it would have hurt the film, I liked that we don't know Leto's past up to that point makes his character more mysterious.

Definitely think it's a film that reviews were a little harsh on and think it's well worth a watch.
