MovieChat Forums > The Frozen Ground (2013) Discussion > Looking for an outsider's input...

Looking for an outsider's input...

I have lived in and around Anchorage, AK my whole life. During the scene where Cindy sees the moose outside, what were your thoughts?

My husband and I couldn't help but wonder if people not from the area would think this was some mystical spirit animal type of scene.

The fact is, we see moose wandering around downtown routinely - the only thing that I found out of the ordinary was the antlers, as we don't see a lot of those in town.


Sorry, non-outsider. I lived in Fairbanks--actually Fort Wainwright. We saw moose getting in our trash many times. They're HUGE. In base housing, the trash bins are right by the car park with outlets to plug your car in, and if you want to go anywhere, you just have to wait until they wander off.


I wouldn't know how realistic it was, but the way they dwelt on it did strike me as a bit of a gratuitous symbolism (symbolic of what I don't know), it reminded me of the shot of the coyote in Collateral.

There were three of us in this marriage
