Kind of boring

Nothing new. After Jolt I expected a little more...
Interesting: Even Kate shows some signs of aging now. But in a really graceful way. Pls stay away from Botox...


Not sure why she bothers with these movies. She can move on to doing other genres like comedies or gritty dramas. I think people forget she has talent.


What do you mean graceful? It seems obvious she has had work done on her face. Also her voice in the movie is really jarring and it sounds like she has been smoking cigarettes for decades and you can't help but to notice how her voice changes throughout the movie. It almost sounds like somebody else dubbed her at some points.


"Obvious"? Not really, I noticed plenty of wrinkles around her eyes. And now let's compare Kate and Famke...


Agree she has had work done.

She was a smoker before she had her child & still is.

It's an awful movie surprised it scored around a 5.


You people care far too much about the looks of celebrities.


Her lips do not look very natural from more recent photos.

Her forehead has no wrinkle at all, it has to be Botox, because she is over 50 now.


One of those daft movies where guns fire unlimited bullets. The hero has about five situations which would kill a normal person but survives intact. Basically she's super woman with lots of botox.

