MovieChat Forums > Wolf Creek 2 (2014) Discussion > Interested in comments from non-Aussies

Interested in comments from non-Aussies

Non-Australians who have seen this, what did you think of the film? Particularly the final half hour - did it make sense or was it just a bunch of weird rubbish? I thought the opening was great and I loved the scenes towards the end in Mick's lair but also wondered whether you had to be an Aussie to get anything out of it.. What did you non-Aussies think?


i'm canadian and i love australian movies . it's probably the outback that makes the australian horror mpvies way scarier and more interesting.


I'm American and knew none of the answers to the questions Mick was asking or the songs they were singing, but I was still on the edge of my seat.

You wish it was Ted! Don't forget to set the alarm...


I became bored *beep* at the questioning scene. It just slowed the pace of the film towards a pointless unusual finish. As if the film didn't know how to end.


I stay privy to lots of aussie culture due to friends from there so I got it it all.


Canadian and enjoyed it alot! More than I expected for a sequel. Would give the firs tone 9/10 and this one 8 or 8.5/10


American and I loved this film. Yes the last hour made sense. Amazing film one of the best in a long long time.


American, everything about the lair scenes made sense...I just hadn't heard that kangaroo song before or seen a game of cricket but I know what it is. I loved Mick's answer to the question of why they were sent too Australia.

I'm more confused by Mick's motivations and the ending. I don't remember much of the first movie so maybe I'm missing something but Mick's motivation for killing seems to be entirely that he hates foreigners and tourists...which is fine but he has no problem murdering the 2 Australian cops and the old couple. So in the movie he ends up killing 4 Australians and only 2 foreigners. So his explanation of hating foreigners doesn't really make sense and he's just a psycho killer of anyone.

Which leads me to the end...the only way it makes sense to me is if the Australian police are "in on it" not to the point of knowing Mick personally and protecting him, but knowing someone is killing foreigners and them being ok with it and pinning the crimes on another foreigner to cover it up. If not I don't see how Paul could get blamed for the murders. At the end he's been clearly been heavily tortured, he's covered in blood, wounds, and his fingers have been grinded to stumps, he's been randomly dumped on the streets and hes desperately seeking help from the police. I don't see how they could ignore all that and pin the murders on him without some cover up thing going on.

The problem with that is the same with Mick's motivation though, if they are "in on it" well there taking a net loss here 3 foreigners go down at the cost of 4 Australians...2 of which are cops...hard to think they'd be ok with that.

I did like the movie though and I like the anti foreigner thing but it just doesn't make sense. I love Mick, if he wasn't a psycho killer he seems like someone I'd wanna be friends with. Which might be what makes him so disturbing.


Im British and i loved it, i thought it was just another way of mick playing with his victims like a cat plays with its mouse,he doesnt like to kill them straight out, he remarked he would keep the foreign girl for a few months, im not 100% certain why he let paul go but i thought it was so he always knew mick had won, why kill him? then the point would'nt feel the same, its all one big game after all. My opinion. Loved it though


I`m dutch and i think Mick Taylor is the badassest and most entertaining (Freddy Krugerish?) horror icon i`v seen in years. (well Dr. Heiter and Otis Driftwood were good as well)
I love the first movie, it was creepier and more realistic, but i enjoyed the *beep* out of this movie. (Seeing 1 and 2 back to back reminds me a bit of the first time i saw From dusk till dawn; bold and effective stylechange)

(p.s. , speaking about dutch ; Mick reminded me a bit of Rutger Hauer in the The Hitcher as well)

We like to get *beep*ed up and do *beep*ed up s**t.


I am a brit and thought the film was pretty good
