I hate to report it, but this was a big letdown. Everything good the first time was no present here. There were so many great actors just wasted here. The plot was so serious that it lost all sense of fun. If s third chapter does happen then I hope they bring back r charm of the first movie. I waited three long years for this and it just didn't deliver.
I was kind of disappointed, too. I think the story was too unfocused (yeah, I'm aware I'm criticizing the story of a movie called "Machete Kills"). There were several plot threads running in this movie, and in all seriousness, each one could have supported a movie by itself: rogue revolutionary with dissociative identity disorder, killer prostitutes, cult going into space (and forcing Mexicans to be their laborers).
None of them got the attention they deserved, and they all suffered.
It was clear from the first movie that Machete was meant to be a trilogy, which they reiterated with the "trailer" at the beginning of this movie. The third movie looks like it will kick ass, which makes me think the second movie was just slapped together to set it up.
Exactly and YES I am very serious, saw the thursday night showing. It was quite lame. I really hope the third can go back to square one. Maybe it was also the shock value, everything was so fresh in the first one and now seeing it just feels stale.
You guys are missing it tho, it was PLAYED/executed (pardon the pun) in a very serious nature. That's what bugged me, there was no fun in the preceedings. It's as if they forgot the one crucial thing that worked in the original, it was in on the joke. Even with the political satire, the whole thing was just silly. And IMO it worked. More power to ya if you liked this one, but it didn't work for me. I hate it too cause I really wanted to like it. The bad reviews scared me, but I just shrugged em off assuming the critics were all stuck up. Sadly, they were right on this one.
Did anyone else also think that the effects just SUCKED? That kept taking me "out" of the movie too. Just BAD CG. Really BAD CG. And then upon reading the closing credits, it was the guys from KNB. Their effects are usually much better than that.
I don't know -- this one just had that "straight to video" vibe, despite the cast.
It kind of reminded me of the PIRAHNA remake and then PIRAHNA 3DD. PIRAHNA was goofy but it was wildly entertaining. PIAHNA 3DD was just...lacking. Same thing here. Just a big "slip" after the first one.
By the way, I went to an early 10:40PM screening last night. I was THE ONLY PERSON IN THE THEATER. They ran the movie for me. That doesn't bode well for a successful opening weekend.
agree with you completely, it was really bad CGI effects in this dull sequel. Actually believe that Machete Kills would have been an ok movie if RR used old old school effects instead.
LOL I was the only one the my showing too. That was kinda nice, but I was kinda hoping for some infectious laughter. Of course, the movie didn't really do it for me anyway so that hardly mattered.
The first movie was a massive letdown too. I went in back in 2010 so wanting to love Machete after the first trailer was released. The movie itself though sucked hard. I think that's were Robert Rodreguez's true talent rests. In making trailers. Whenever it actually comes time to deliver he falls flat.
Interesting. I was it today and I loved it! I can't say if this or the first one is better but they are both good in all sillyness. Sure the first mighthave had a better social commentary(which people at the Machete board seemed to hate...). Before the film was released most people seemed to be raving about how Gaga would destory the film!? She is in it för like 5 min tops and she is great in every scene according to me. Hope it does well at the box office, there arn't really anything else like it!
The movie has already bombed at the box office. The first movie was an incredibly boring, soul sucking mess I have a hard time believing that the sequel could be worse.
This movie was entertaining at times, but overall pales in comparison to the first. The first film was an homage, while this one was just a straight-up parody. I think Rodriguez was stuck in Spy Kids mode when he made this.