MovieChat Forums > Would You Rather (2019) Discussion > So..after you win, no contacting authori...

So..after you win, no contacting authorities?


She gets what she wants, her brother (would have) got treatment, plenty of money.
Sure, I could see the guy be like if you tell on us we'll find a way to kill you. But, I feel as if approached correctly, she can safely get away and have him and his group shut down. Thoughts?


The way it works is in the end one of the contestants is given a choice to either have both leave without money or kill the other and get the money

She made the choice to kill the other person, so had she gone to the police she would have very possibly been charged for the murder of the other contestant as she did that in free will

At least that is what the movie is saying

However, thinking realistically, they would NEVER had let both of them go without getting their hands dirty (in a situation where they weren't forced to) as that would as you say shut down their whole operation, so if she would have chosen that option they would have merely killed both of them OR given the other contestant the same option just to kill him if he wanted to leave as well

I think that would be taken into consideration by a judge, and maybe they could plead for temporarily insanity as well

But the director wants you to think that she would have gone to jail for killing the other contestant (which is I would say a 50/50 chance)



The idea that they have certain members of law enforcement (and probably a judge or two) in their pocket occurred to me. And of course you would almost certainly be killed if you went to the police. But going to the cops wasn't really what came to mind for me. Personally, I'd take that bag of money and hire a hitman or two to clean up that entire house. Of course, you'd have to be careful, because who knows how far their money would reach. Then again, I'd probably have turned that dueling pistol on Shepard and taken him out.

What I don't get is how they didn't figure out very quickly that only one of them would be leaving alive. Facing those odds, they should have made an earlier attempt to escape, when they had more people, and made more attempts. I'd rather get shot trying to escape than suffer through multiple rounds of the game only to
die in any number of other gruesome ways. And yes, by continuing on you might survive, but the odds are pretty low and, again, I'd rather take my chances in trying to escape and hope to at least take one or two of them down with me.


It was like in Hostel 2. He said both could leave but actually they couldn't. That is why the last round was a kill scenario. Had she said no and chose to left my guess is he would then give the guy the offer maybe bribe him a bit extra. Had he also said no I would bet anything both would have been killed. That is ho he gets away with it he gave her a choice she chose to kill. She tells 1. She would never get the prize. 2.) She would go down for 1st degree murder. 3. He would probably get away with it considering his money and resources by running. The man got a stand by kidney so I am sure he could pull a none extradition trip to where he liked. Or kill her off before testifying against him and then let his lawyer get him off.


As others have said I think the biggest reason why she wouldn't is that she actually committed a murder of her own free will when she could have left with him without the money.

I did wonder if they would have actually let them go free since they could have went to the police after. They were crazy so they might have actually not cared or was worried. Also as others have said they might have bought the police, or a good enough clean up crew so they wouldn't be convicted.

You also have the fear of them coming after you if you did try to turn them in.

Come visit my


I agree and disagree with some of the posters. I agree that she would most probably lose the money as that is evidence and was obtained through the illegality of the "game" itself, but I disagree that she would go to jail. Basically, she could be a material witness and cut a deal that she wouldn't get charged with anything as long as she cooperated with the police: give up the money and give then all the details on the man's crimes in exchange for immunity. I'm sure they'd show her leniency because of her personal situation.


Instead of killing popeye and making herself complicit Iris should have let them both walk,both go to authorities, not only have them locked up and sued the hell out of them and they might both get more money than if they had won.


It makes sense that she wouldn’t go to the cops because A, she probably wouldn’t have been able to keep the money if she went to the cops and B, she choose to kill the one guy and if the rich dude had of secretly taped that or something she may have ended up going to jail too.

What seems less plausible is that they would actually let the winner go and take the chance of them going to the cops. I thought when the game was over they would just kill the winner anyways.

But being a rich respected citizen involved with a charity foundation and all I guess he felt confident that no one would believe such a crazy sounding story even if she did go to the cops

What are words for when no one listens anymore


Yeah you wouldn't get to keep any of that money.
