MovieChat Forums > Chernobyl Diaries (2012) Discussion > 1st Half was great - 2nd half could have...

1st Half was great - 2nd half could have been

The premise and buildup was done to perfection. Truly engrossing and truly scary. But then it turned into a Dawn of the Dead type thing . . . where all the kids were killed off in short order.

It would have been so cool to see that group of 3 deciding to jog the 13 miles and watch the others fight it out for their lives. Or to see some die and some live - and even have an exciting rescue.

They could havwe developed the "little girl" part and had her join them and help by giving them info on the mutants.

So many things could have been done - to stop this from turning into a dud. Man - so much promise undelivered on. Lastly, I wanted to see Yuri make it through the film - to me he had real star potential and really added a lot to the over tone of the film. But no - they killed him off first.


I wish you had directed this film.

"If I don't understand it, it's a plot-hole!"
-Typical Reviewer


I agree. This seems to be a reoccurring trend in this genre recently. Good beginning, ok middle, woeful ending. Cant wait for something really amazing to come out.


this is pretty much the exact same impression my wife and i came away with. truly excellent and unique concept with suffocating build up and tension that was so engrossing it made the under delivered climax that much more disappointing. so much promise that was never fully realized. quite a shame because we really enjoyed it for the most part and got a good scare out of it too. the movie probably could have benefited from being another 15-20 minutes longer as it did run short and the last act felt very rushed. but i wont knock it too much though, overall still one of the better horror movies to come out in awhile and was worth seeing.


I'm glad to see that other people thought exactly the same as me!

I was very impressed with the originality of the beginning and the middle part of the film. The characters were pretty likeable, even the Russian "tour guide",the suspense was building nicely, all was going well and I was sitting there thinking I can't wait to recommend this absolute classic to everyone.

But no then they went and totally smashed all the good to pieces by quoting word for word from the book of scary movie cliches. It was like two different directors had made the film and the one who made the end hadn't even bothered to watch the beginning.

They had the chance to make something pretty amazing, but they totally and utterly crashed it!

"... a-a-and what if we're wrong and that is MacReady out there???"


What I didn't understand was how quickly the daylight burned away, I mean they kept finding themselves wandering around at night. You'd think they'd have gotten up first thing in the morning and using that time as best they could.

The mutant creatures were kinda interesting, I liked how the fish swarmed the guy in the water yet didn't kill him - I was expecting one of them to be put down that way but ultimately his injuries from that encounter were light.

It was odd how they couldn't steer themselves away from the reactor and how the military just happened to be near the reactor for the final two to be caught. I mean how many patients were there? And why were they described as escaped patients? Too many loose ends, it definitely could have been done better.


What I didn't understand was how quickly the daylight burned away, I mean they kept finding themselves wandering around at night. You'd think they'd have gotten up first thing in the morning and using that time as best they could.

Yes, they got up at first light, walk for a few minutes, found the scrapyard and then it was night again - what happened there? Obviously they wanted to move the story on for the night scenes, but a) they could have done it less clumsily than that and b) the real strength of the film was actually in the daylight scenes. The location was an absolute gift and looked suitably Silent Hillish in those misty morning scenes, they should have either rewritten the script on the fly when they realised this or something. Going all Blair Witch at the end (jerky camera, despite it not actually being found footage, and "oh my God", "where are we", "this way quick") seemed like a bit of a mistake.

Let us rate alien sex movies in peace.


The first half of the movie had me thinking omg this is stalker the movie. It's brilliant. Then the last quarter just pissed me off and made me hate the writer / director for stuffing up something with so much potential...


Exactly what I thought. I'd seen reviews and ratings that were low, so I was pleasantly surprised and thought, "hey this is actually pretty good." However the further into it I got, the more the more it earned those low scores.


OliverFehr, which "Stalker" movie are you referring to? I'm trying to find it, but there are too many titles with "Stalker" or variations thereof.

If you can provide an IMDB link to the movie, I'd be much obliged. I'm interested in checking it out.


"OliverFehr, which "Stalker" movie are you referring to? I'm trying to find it, but there are too many titles with "Stalker" or variations thereo"

Think he might be on about the pc game..just a guess as I haven't played it



"OliverFehr, which "Stalker" movie are you referring to? I'm trying to find it, but there are too many titles with "Stalker" or variations thereo"

Think he might be on about the pc game..just a guess as I haven't played it

He's probably talking about Andrej Tarkovsky's movie Stalker from 1979. It's the movie that inspired the game. It's considered a masterpiece, but it's not everyone's cup of tea though...



I think maybe this movie was never meant to be much more than what it really was going for. You have to remember folks, that it's really hard to make a big, and good looking movie on a small budget. This was a low budget movie after all, just 1 million dollars. And I think they did pretty well for this kind of budget, even got it released into movie theaters when so many others don't get a major release with such budgets considering there were no real stars in the movie to speak of. You want more stuff to the story, more subplots, more fancy sp.effects, stars, something like "The Cabin In The Woods" (30 mil budget) and you get your real run-of-the mill movie. But on a good note, at least this movie did fairly well at the box office to get a green light for the sequel, so who knows maybe they'll make it bigger next time.


They did a great character build up and then just smashed it.

I watch too many movies.....
