1st Half was great - 2nd half could have been
The premise and buildup was done to perfection. Truly engrossing and truly scary. But then it turned into a Dawn of the Dead type thing . . . where all the kids were killed off in short order.
It would have been so cool to see that group of 3 deciding to jog the 13 miles and watch the others fight it out for their lives. Or to see some die and some live - and even have an exciting rescue.
They could havwe developed the "little girl" part and had her join them and help by giving them info on the mutants.
So many things could have been done - to stop this from turning into a dud. Man - so much promise undelivered on. Lastly, I wanted to see Yuri make it through the film - to me he had real star potential and really added a lot to the over tone of the film. But no - they killed him off first.