MovieChat Forums > Chained (2013) Discussion > Total rip-off of Stevan Mena's 'Bereavem...

Total rip-off of Stevan Mena's 'Bereavement' !!!

Wow, I am utterly speechless... I didn't know one could go this far in ripping off somebody else's work! This film's plot and settings are completely lifted from Stevan Mena's "Bereavement". Shame on Lynch!


Agreed, total blatant, shameless rip off of Bereavement!!!


I disagree. Bereavement was about a killer trying to make the kidnapped boy his protégé (make the boy a killer like him). In Chained, the kidnapped boy is no more than a slave (he even says it is for life). He has no intention on teaching or guiding the boy. THe boy is there to clean and serve him. That is a whole new aspect that differs greatly from Bereavement.


I disagree.While the most basic plot is similar, they are very different movies. In Bereavement, the main killer deliberately kidnaps the kid with the intention of making him a protege. In Chained, the kid was just there...his mother was the actual target. He originally just keeps the kid as free labor, and nothing else. From the synopsis of the movie I agree that they sound very similar, but they are actually very different movies plot wise.


And Stevan Mena makes horrible movies.


Agreed. Some of the worst movies I've ever sat through. Malevolance was by far the worst.


You must have watched a different movie than I did. It was all explained at the end. The mother and son were BOTH targets. He keeps the kid because his brother PAID HIM TO. There was a letter and cheque from Rabbit's father to Bob the cab driver serial killer (his brother). Later after Rabbit grows up he decides to make him his protege (or try to).



He was supposed to kill both the kid and the mother, but decides to keep the kid as his slave. that's why the dad was so surprised to find out the kid was alive.

- 40°04'56''N 86°33'47''W
I shoot when I see the whites of the eyes.


EXACTLY. He was supposed to kill his nephew, but wanted family in his life. Hence that whole debate between Rabbit and Bob about how Rabbit was his family whether Rabbit liked it, or not.

To those that don't see the extreme similarities between Chained and Bereavement I simply don't believe you. Even the kitchen setting...omg...

I didn't like Bob's accent. Given the setting, his first language should have been English! Farms get passed down from generation to generation AND most importantly, in the flashbacks Rabbit's grandfather spoke English as his first language. I doubt Bob was adopted from France!


Warning: Spoilers Ahead!!!

Lynch and D'Onofrio wanted the character of 'Bob' to be a type of 'borderline personality'. D'Onofrio took that idea and actually went to his dentist to make him a type of mouthpiece that would alter his speech, but not make it too difficult to understand him.

And I still think D'Onofrio is an incredible talent who has been ignored far too long because he refuses to play by Hollywood's rules.


"And I still think D'Onofrio is an incredible talent who has been ignored far too long because he refuses to play by Hollywood's rules."
It's not Hollyweird's rules he has a problem with,it's society's rules he can't manage.
He used the combination of his position on the show,and his physical bulk to bully people on Criminal Intent to the extent that the producers banned any and all discussion of politics on the premises.Being the biggest fat-ass on set has it's advantages.


Were you actually there at any time while LOCI was being filmed? Are you aware that Kathrine Erbe said that if D'Onofrio's character left she would leave the show too? Or how about when Renée Zellweger thanked D'Onofrio for "Teaching her how to work" during her acceptance when she won her Oscar for her role in 'Chicago'? Also, that D'Onofrio said that he would work with LOCI's creator Dick Wolf any time, even though they have very different political beliefs? It was the networks that had Law & Order and LOCI cancelled they refused yearly pay raises to all cast members, which was the end of both series. But there are far too many other appreciative things said regarding D'Onofrio that are common knowledge to anyone who actually cares to look. If he had threatened anyone physically or otherwise onset don't you think the tabloids would jump all over that? I've heard far more caring and complimentary things said from those who've worked with him, posting childish and unsubstantiated claims under an untraceable name is the cowards way of posting what would be considered libel, that is if you had any justifiable proof of your so-called claims.


No, in Chained he does start to teach him. Have you watched the film, he forces him to read a book on how the body works along with other things.


I haven't seen Bereavement, but having just seen Chained: The boy does start out being treated as just a servant, but in the second half his captor starts treating him into a protegee, trying to mould him into a killer like himself.



There are similar. But this is not the first case that some movies has similar plots (The Others / Sixth Sense - The Illusionist / The Prestige - Deep Impact / Armaggedon, etc). I really don't care.


your post made me stop scrolling down. thanks

Harry: Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times


Cinemarco needs to watch a movie before he comments on it, because if he HAD, he would know he is full of crap. This movie is not Bereavement. I hate people who think they know films but don't know enough to shut up and watch before speaking.


Not really. That's like saying that Kalifornia was a total rip off, of Bonnie and Clyde because both movies had two lovers who go around killing folk and doing bad things. I agree that both THESE movies ARE similar, but only as far as the man and the boy living together goes... The story line, reasons, and the endings are completely different. I won't say why here, in case someone reading this, hasn't seen it. Definitely not a rip off though.
