MovieChat Forums > Chained (2013) Discussion > such movies should not exist or be tripl...

such movies should not exist or be triple x rated

what more to add? if a movie has a flicker of breast, it will be at least R rated. But with a kid held captive by a serial killer, after seeing - or hearing his mom killed by the guy, to discuss the path he should follow, that is what? normal???
that is insanity. I watched 10 minutes of the movie, felt sick and left...
And a woman directed this piece of pure garbage...
I am ashamed such things are filmed. It is not much better than torture movies, and shows that a normal human being will never understand Hollywood censure.


Did you miss the part where this movie is rated R?


You are so closed minded and too consumed by conventional film. This is an interesting piece of film and respectable. It has vision and heart. I applauded this women for making this film.


I think you are dead wrong; films like this should long as they are as intelligent and insightful as this one. This is in no way torture porn, but rather a very accurate and educational look into the mind and motives of a serial killer's mentality. It's not for younger, or impressionable minds, however for thinking adults adults, a film like this can serve as a lesson. These sick individuals are out there, and without films and books like these, people wouldn't realise it. There is nothing intelligent about burying your head in the sand. That's a sure way to get into trouble. Educate yourself about what is going on in the world. This film is pure art, without one frame of exploitation or "torture porn."

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Totally agree, PinkuEiga. Along the lines of watching "Looking for Mr. Goodbar", it is a hard film to watch, but imho, should be shown to every high school girl before she graduates. It is a cautionary film, as The Counselor might say...

I remember changing my patterns and weaknesses after viewing Mr. Goodbar in a theatre on an afternoon by myself. That film really made a difference in how I was, after that, towards cute strangers. I was much more Cautious.

The trouble is, if you are Lucky enough to have a great Dad, which I did, you really DONT know these kind of "men" exist. \

And they do.


"Looking For Mr. Goodbar," one of my favorite films. That film exposed the kinds of men that hang out in singles bars, as predators. I guess they are "single" for a reason. But the villain in "Chained" was just a working man, driving a taxi cab. His first victim can't really be blamed for her lack of judgement. His other victims seemed to be prostitutes, or just really drunk. It's very effective at showing us just how dangerous it is to be outside alone when we are drunk or high. These days we need all of our senses to protect ourselves from the many creeps out there.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


"Looking For Mr. Goodbar," one of my favorite films. That film exposed the kinds of men that hang out in singles bars, as predators. I guess they are "single" for a reason. But the villain in "Chained" was just a working man, driving a taxi cab. His first victim can't really be blamed for her lack of judgement. His other victims seemed to be prostitutes, or just really drunk. It's very effective at showing us just how dangerous it is to be outside alone when we are drunk or high. These days we need all of our senses to protect ourselves from the many creeps out there.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


You'd be fine showing oral sex to kids,but violence or blood is pornographic?


Guess the op never seen movie I know my first name is Steven or An american Crime 2007,Lilya 4 ever?

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill



So you did'nt like something and your solution is that it should never exist????????? its appalling people like you exist.

fat pink mast!


In fairness, before the film started it had the big RED warning screen (as opposed to the green one you're probably used to) and it said Rated R for "disturbing and sadistic violent content, including bloody killings and rape, and for language and sexuality." So, you kinda knew what was coming.

Said so on the box too. (And, for a bit of history - it actually WAS quite the battle to get this kicked down from NC17 to R.)

That said - yes, the film was quite brutal. But it's a brutal topic. But it has less to do with physical brutality (ala the torture porn you refer to, like Hostel) and more to do with the psychological brutality. I've seen way worse in terms of... these kinds of movies... than Chained. Chained gets you less with the graphic nature of what's going on, and more with the horror of finishing the film and thinking, "There could really be people out there like that."

Which is thoroughly creepifying.


I didn't the film was that bad actually. Maybe there are different versions and I watched a more edited one but there weren't any scenes that were partically grapic. TBH I've seen more disturbing stuff on SVU and criminal minds.

Also I don't understand why it matters that this was directed by a woman. If you have different standards for women and men when it comes to something like film making than you are kind of a sexist.

Please consider me as an alternative to suicide
