MovieChat Forums > Hijack (2023) Discussion > Nothing worse than a show's plot being d...

Nothing worse than a show's plot being driven entirely by horribly stupid decisions

My god this show was infuriating! I couldn't even finish the first episode. So many idiotic choices by the characters just made me turn it off in disgust.

- The idea of no passengers rushing the gunman. We live in a post 9/11 world and we all know damn well that hijackers in control of a plane means everybody on board is dying, plus possibly a ton of people on the ground.
- the girls who found the bullet having that weird back and forth with the FA. Just type bullet in your phone if you don't want to say it!
- The pilot opening the door to save his side piece. Not watching the rest of the show, but I truly hope it ended with him going to jail and never seeing his family again.
- Idris texting a vague message to his family, when the word hijacking was shorter and clearer.

Seriously, fuck this show!


And at one point, one the hijackers die, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him: they play sad music and stuff. I’m like “screw that guy.” Same for the lady who takes over the cockpit. She shot the captain and nearly killed everyone. Screw her too

Idris Elda’s character should’ve died like 7 times. He pissed off the hijacker’s so many times, and somehow he sweet talks his way out of it every time

When they start attacking the hijackers, Idris Elba alone ends up fighting the dude with the loaded gun. Nobody else could have ran to help? Same with the neck-tattoo man: he has to screams “Help me” when he’s choking out that guy

When they’re passing around the container, the stupid glasses girl refuses to take it, and she gives the message to the hijackers for some reason

In a post-9/11 world, there is no way they would let that plane get near London. They would have shot that plane down with the jets

The police get a 999 call from inside the apartment, and they just trust the word of some cleaners that “oh, it must be a mistake”

They contrived some drama at the end, regarding landing the plane. Get the co-pilot in there

The son knows that there are 2 armed bad guys in the apartment: why does he come out the pantry when just one of the bad guys opens the door? He doesn’t think that the other guy might be around?

Some random low-rank air traffic controller is talking to Idris Elba? Don’t they have a professional negotiator from the military or something?
