No more catwoman

She was the most boring part of batman. Jeffrey Wright is a genius keep him as Gordon.


She was some of my favorite parts and has many favorite parts on her.


I love the catwoman character but zoey kravitz' perfomance in this 1 was horrible. every scene she was in was ruined.


and her outfit was horrible to boot


She was great. I liked her and Penguin more than the Riddler tbh.


I liked Kravitz more than I thought I would. Farrell was great. Didn't like this Riddler at all.


I think it's partly because of the costume. There's no facial expression permitted because of the mask. I get he wanted to be anonymous but I think he's at his best when he's in lockup and Paul Dano is just chewing scenery with his eyes and gestures.


Bad direction to take catwoman. Riddler and Penguin were fine, they should bring in an unrealistic villain next and keep it from getting boring, make killercroc an actual giant crocodile man like in the games.


If Killer Croc appeared, he'd probably be a human afflicted with gigantism and a skin condition resembling scales. Judging by how the Joker looks in this universe, it seems like Matt Reeves loves him some Cronenberg styled body horror.


Also please a good script, because the story for the last movie was terribad


Seriously, she was horrible, easily the worst part of The Batman. I hope Jeffrey Wright comes back. Andy Serkis was a pretty underwhelming Alfred IMO. I also hope they don’t give us yet again another version of the Joker. Seriously there are plenty of other villains out there they could use.


Joker's an interesting character, but I'd be happy if they gave him a rest for a while.
