MovieChat Forums > Compliance (2012) Discussion > Actual incident in Kentucky - link to vi...

Actual incident in Kentucky - link to video

Here is a link to the Youtube video that contains surveillance of the actual incident, and interviews with the real idiots who were involved. Yes, it is based on truth, and it's just as shocking and preposterous as the movie.


thanks for the link. I noticed it said that it was based on a real story when the movie started... but it was so stupid, I couldnt even watch it past the predictable "strip search" demand.

Cant believe this is real.


I know it! I watched the whole thing, only because it's a true story..and it was one of the most painful viewing experiences of my life. My husband and I just kept saying..."Yeah, right...No way...No one could be this stupid!" So, my impulse was to research the real events, and...Yup...People really ARE that stupid! It is an intriguing story, though. I believe that our justice system was correct in not convicting David Stewart. I mean, he played a game, and he was definitely a sick MOFO...but those people were all of adult age, and should all be locked up...just for being so STUPID! Every single person who worked there, except for the mainenance man..thank God he had half a brain!


Well, what he did is illegal, but they didn't have enough evidence. Can't manufacture it...

What amazes me is that the girl's manager escaped prison and even got money from McDonald's herself. Her former fiancé got five years, which seems a little light to me, but at least society was safe from him for that long. She may be an even bigger menace.

Do not mock a love-smitten mouse.


Totally agree!


It is appalling - though probably inevitable in this PC world - that the man got 5 years imprisonment, and the woman was rewarded. She was far more guilty than he was, and she effectively started the whole episode.


the man got 5 years imprisonment, and the woman was rewarded. She was far more guilty than he was, and she effectively started the whole episode.
I agree the woman should not have been rewarded but he was more guilty he spanked and raped her (yes forced oral is rape) He must have known that the police would never "order" him to spank and rape her no matter what crime she may have committed, He used the situation to take advantage of a pretty young girl The manager was bad but he was much worse


It would be interesting to know what the real-life manager thought of her fictionalized portrayal in the film. Although it doesn't excuse how she behaved, the film does help to explain it, by showing the stress she was under and the way the phone call sounded quite plausible to begin with. The incident reminded me of the sort of mind control techniques that Derren Brown demonstrates.


Someone as stupid as that girl is a danger not only to herself but everyone else.

I hope society never has to deal with her and he stupidity but I know it will.


Lol, I remember reading this story a while ago before finding out they made a movie out of it. I haven't seen this movie, but wanted to ever since I read the story.

Anyways, those people were just sick freaks. I remember thinking why did the dumb girl even comply, why not fight it off and leave and then later after digging through I ran into this... I was like woah... maybe that dumb girl was not so dumb after all, she sued MCD's and got awarded lots of money (6.1 million to be exact).


because ppl blindly follow authority and her house and brother were being under investigation and she didnt want to loose her job or be in jail for x amount of time. did u not watch the movie?

Hello seestra, nice to see you again.


Uhh...yeah. that's why isanti (above) said, "Maybe not so dumb" In other words...She got the last laugh, $$$$$$ so maybe she wasn't DUMB after all. Before I watched this and thought it was entirely fiction, I thought immediately that the girl was in on the scam exactly for that reason: to sue! Sad, but that's the kind of society we live in. When I actually found out that this was a true story, almost point-by-point, well let's just say that like many of you, my confidence in humanity was shaken. apparently, she was just too scared to do anything, which is so sad. But good for her that she can laugh all the way to the bank now. She will have to live with that horrible degrading incident for the rest of her life. At least she gets some $. As for the manager and her boyfriend... Shame on them. That was the most unbelievable thing to us (my husband and I) an 18 year old is young and impressionable. 2 people who are middle aged and abusing authority in that manner...even if they say they thought they were doing right...B.S.!


All due respect, commenting on the intelligence of others while not making a link clickable despite the button being directly above the message box seems a bit odd.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


All due respect, needing a link to be clickable, is a bit odd, too. I learned how to copy and paste early on. I don't believe a clickable link has anything to do with intelligence...forcing an employee to get naked for hours, with a "police officer" on the phone...does.


Thanks for posting the link. I just watched the entire movie and I couldn't believe it was real, so I came here to read what this was based on and I'm SHOCKED that this actually happened (and over 70 times no less)!

Those adults in the real story are STUPID, except for the maintenance guy who had some common sense. When would any cop tell you to strip search someone? And then tell you to force that person to give you oral sex? That should've been the red flag right there.

But'cha Y'Are, Blanche! Y'Are In That Chair!


Sorry, but the red flag should have been the call from a so-called police officer!


this actually happened (and over 70 times no less)

To be clear, this caller didn't get an employee to give oral sex to someone on 70 different occasions. There were 70 occasions where he fooled the restaurant employees to SOME extent. Most got nowhere nearly as far as this incident in Kentucky.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


I just don't understand how, with the sensitive nature of the incident and what was being asked, you wouldn't get the badge number or ID number of the "police officer" and verify him....


I still dont wanna believe that this is a true story.


LOL American people are just so dumb. It's like they're a different species. Sort of like a less intelligent version of humans.


The problem with America is that we haven't had a war on our soil in 160 years to cull our herd.


The problem with America is that we haven't had a war on our soil in 160 years to cull our herd.

This is one of the most amusing statements I have read on IMDB. 

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


wow, I thought the movie was losely inspired by real events and way exaggerated but it really happened like that. Human stupidity has no limits.


Here a link, watch the video - Only for +18 years


Here a link, watch the video - Only for +18 years

There is no better way to say this... WHAT THE FVCK?

Don't be a hater, dear.


I remember watching this when it came out. I joked and told my brother (who's a cop) that he should move to the US. - If a civilian impersonating a cop can have that much power through a fvcking phone, think of how much the real one can standing in your face.

Thinking is free people! least for now 😕😯


What about the BJ part?

Don't be a hater, dear.

