What does it matter?

It was said in this documentary that the sperm they used was from residents which means male persons who are employed in the medical field. What does it actually matter when a woman gets artificially inseminated and the sperm that is used is not from the guy that the woman thinks that it is? The woman does not actually know the guy that she chooses and she does not know the guy that sneaks his sperm to her. The process of a woman going to a sperm bank and getting sperm from a male person she does not even know is completely psychopath.

What actual difference is there to a woman who reads a small biography and maybe watches a video of a male person she chooses sperm from and a guy that sneaks in sperm to a woman?


It means a hell of a lot. It's consent. It's fraud. Also this asshole had rheumatoid arthritis and would never have qualified to be a donor. As a doctor himself, he also would have known that. This then is an act of violence on 94 women and their 94 (so far) children. You're describing a pre-internet dating service. This was supposed to be a medical service, with the patient's interest and well being taking the paramount position.
