MovieChat Forums > The Imposter (2012) Discussion > Worst documentary I have ever seen (spoi...

Worst documentary I have ever seen (spoiler)

This is possibly the worst documentary I have ever seen, as I cant remember one that I sat through and enjoyed less than this.

I did not like the ridiculous reenactments. The way they tried to dramatize a lot of the stuff was really silly. I found the Frederic guy really annoying as well. He had a hard time trying to hide how much he liked being in the center of attention in this story.

And what was the point of showing the detective digging in the backyard? Were the audience suppose to believe that they were going to find the body of the boy during the filming of this documentary. It was one of the worst red herrings I have ever seen.

Also, the "twist" at the end when you find out more about Frederic. Was anyone actually surprised that the guy who pretended to be a lost child was actually a sociopath who had pretended to be lost children several times before?


I totally agree. But once I was half in, I had to finish it because I had invested time in the story and was curious to see how things turned out. They could have cut it down to an hour special without the reenactments and Frederic's dramatic pauses during his "interview." I prefer Dateline or 48 hours. This was stylized and gimmicky. Why did Harold Dow have to die from asthma and doc makers like these get to walk around, breathing air and making bad docs?

Also, Solved is on Netflix. Check this show, it's pretty good.

This popular household product could be slowly killing you. Tune in at 11 to find out what it is.


pretty much spot on what I thought about the film

I however would say I liked it a bit more, but overall thought it was incredibly drawn out and basically a glorified story about a sociopath liar. The end I think it was more trying to highlight how this guy takes people for "a ride" if you will, not so much that they would actually find the kid.

more of a "yea this guys a *beep* sociopath and a chronic liar, look at the stupid *beep* he has people do because of the things that come out of his mouth"

yea they must have "killed him" because it came out of his liar mouth.
even at the end he's just making all sorts of calls to families like a lunatic and the lady is just like ".....what are you doing..."

this *beep* how they tried to cover up this kids death (after three years or whatever) by accepting a random french guy in their house makes ZERO sense. I didn't even comprehend how that theory was plausible.

No I just think it's a stupid family mixed with not having the nerve to say "your not my son/brother" etc... if it was, and he DID change alot do you know how devastating that would be to a traumatized person.


> And what was the point of showing the detective digging in the backyard? Were the audience suppose to believe that they were going to find the body of the boy during the filming of this documentary.

I think you missed the point. I don't think anyone watching was supposed to expect a body to be found. The point was to show that people, like the man digging, just can't fathom how this could have happen so they grasp at these things in their mind to make sense of it.. first the impostor must have been was spy, then he family must have been crazy murderers, all grasping for a narrative to make sense of it.. :)
