Worst documentary I have ever seen (spoiler)
This is possibly the worst documentary I have ever seen, as I cant remember one that I sat through and enjoyed less than this.
I did not like the ridiculous reenactments. The way they tried to dramatize a lot of the stuff was really silly. I found the Frederic guy really annoying as well. He had a hard time trying to hide how much he liked being in the center of attention in this story.
And what was the point of showing the detective digging in the backyard? Were the audience suppose to believe that they were going to find the body of the boy during the filming of this documentary. It was one of the worst red herrings I have ever seen.
Also, the "twist" at the end when you find out more about Frederic. Was anyone actually surprised that the guy who pretended to be a lost child was actually a sociopath who had pretended to be lost children several times before?