MovieChat Forums > The Imposter (2012) Discussion > Is the government just stupid?

Is the government just stupid?

I'm no libertarian, but damn. That lady only realized he was an imposter because a linguist wondered why he had such a strong accent? Seriously? The bad dye job wasn't the tipping point? She believed the sex traffickers figured out how to change the color of his eyes? WTF?

A few years later...9/11 happened. That's right.



To my knowledge, only contacts can change eye color. There's no chemical to change the pigment of eyes, is there? Plus...the dye job. His stubble was too dark.


If anything his outrageous account would of screamed mental illness to me, but to take EVERYTHING he said as true is just ???



The FBI agent didn't. She was suspicious of him until he told this fantastic story of MILITARY MEN kidnapping him, taking him into another country and having a child sex ring. The first thing she should have done was take a blood test. Instead she wasted tax money looking for a multi-country/military sex ring. How she still has a job is astounding.


I'm not gonna say I felt bad for the FBI woman because my god..she was completely clueless..but yes I did a face palm when she spent all her time and efforts looking into my mind..bizarre story instead of checking into "who is" telling the story. Yes how she's still employed is also very mind-boggling to me as well.


It wasn't just the American govt he fooled but the Spanish govt too. Nobody at that Spanish children's home thought anything was strange when the kid came down to meet his "sister" with blonde hair even though they had already seen him with dark hair? And the there's the fact that the Spanish police left him alone in an office for what was probably hours to make his phone calls. Seriously who does that?


That's the part of the story that's hardest to believe imo. Why the hell would they even consider giving a guy they have no ID for access to their offices alone at night, allow him the use of their fax machine, telephone, and to receive packages addressed to fictional cops at their address?

Something's wrong with that story. I have to question its accuracy.


Exactly what I was it took that long for her to start questioning his appearance? I understand that people change, but for three years you are not going to forget your own language, English, and start to speak a perfect French accent, while also looking nothing like you did three years ago. I mean the family is pretty stupid for accepting and readily inviting this stranger into their lives.



The eye color thing was hilarious, especially back in 1997. I guess today the military/govt can do basically anything, including changing eye color and what not. But I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case back in 1997. The FBI agent was just dumb.

Oh and no one cared to fingerprint him in Spain or when he got the US?


Again with the reference to 1997 being part of the stone age? I mean really kid, you do realize that people DID have tv's and modern inventions WAY BACK in 1997, right?


That FBI agent should be fired. Her stupidity and incompetence was astounding. I don't say this in hindsight. As I'm watching the documentary my attention shifted from The Imposter and family to the the bizarre stupidity of this FBI agent. She's like a cartoon character from The Simpson's.
