It's an intriguing and well-made film.
One thing that really popped out at me was the seeming initial incompetence of the FBI Agent (Nancy Fisher). With all due respect, if she had any suspicions of the Imposter at all (which, we assume is the main reason for interviewing him), how could she have let him out of the FBI office after he tells her that wild tale? All those broken bones, sexual assaults, and eye dyeing he told her could easily have been checked with a medical physical. And, how about a call to the Dentist to compare teeth?
Now, we do have the benefit of hindsight, but, it just seems like she took the Imposter's story at face value and just put the file back to the stack. Did the documentary not disclose everything she did right afterwards?
In the end, the FBI did do it's job, but, they had an awful lot of help (by the Private Eye, especially), and some lucky breaks. I've read a few accounts of the case including (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/08/11/080811fa_fact_grann?currentPage=all), but, I don't see any real reason to highly praise the FBI in this case. And, where the hell was local law enforcement?