"I don't think he's being a troll, I think he actually believes all those lies."
Exactly! You don't think. At all it seems.
"At the very least it's outrageous Soviet propaganda like only Soviet propaganda
can be."
Look out through the window, will ya buddy? USSR doesn't exist for about twenty
years now. No iron curtains. No Gulags. A good portion of archives is open. Who
makes you pour that cold war diarea out of your mouth is a mystery to me.
"He's been brainwashed like they all were in totalitarian USSR."
Yes, yes - How dare this untermenschen scum have a different opinion backed up by facts! Only juvenille minds of Overniner and ivankafka can comprehend the TRUTH (but in fact merely scratching the dry crust of sht that covers it).
"Many still are today under Putin as many still refuse to see Stalin as the sadistic tyrant he was."
Yes, yes. Putin came the other day and said to me: "Your not loving Stalin enough, comrade. Improve on that or it will be Gulag for you, your family and your cat."
"Fear and oppression didn't exist."
It did... but only in Mordor of a land that your juvenille ignorant brain likes to depict you certain countries.
"Millions enslaved in Gulags for decades just a myth."
I told the other ignorant hick (overniner) that people must start with a BILLION at very least! Also I like how you ignorant hicks like to appeal to emotions - ENSLAVED (The chidren! Oh what about the children! Woe is us!).
But I'll humor you hicks a bit (just because I'm a swell guy).
In 1954 Krushchev (you ignorant hicks might not know, but he is a world known
destalinizator) wanted to get some real dirt on his predecessor (Stalin) and
ordered Prosecutor-General Rudenko, minister of the interior Kruglov and minister of justice Gorshenin to get him the numbers of the "millions enslaved"! So they counted and counted and... February 1st 1954 gave him the report where it is clearly stated that the during the course of almost 33 years (1921-1954) total (including all kinds of convicts: rapists, murderers, deserters, thieves, thugs, "politicals", etc.) number of convicted is... 3.777.380 people (642.980 got the extreme penalty; 25 years and less of imprisoment - 2.369.220; internal
deportations/exiles - 765.180). All done according to law of said country in the
said historical period (there is court/judicial comitee/court martial/ verdict for every case). If you want to argue about the laws and legislation/judicial systems of various countries of different time periods then I would suggest you to visit a doctor.
And just for the memo the prison population of modern USA is somewhat 2.5 millions - by your logic the country is genuine Hell on this good Earth.
"The USSR didn't occupy Eastern Poland in 1939"
That Poland occupied itself in the Russo-Polish war of 1920.
"nor the Baltic States in 1940,"
I'm from Lithuania myself so tread carefully here ;). Yes, hardcore nationalists
call it the occupation now (buga-buga-buga). Which it wasn't de-facto or even de-jure (with elections and referendums).
"occupy regions of Romania the same year."
Which Romania itself occupied in 1918 (from a neighbour that had a civil war... you guessed it - Russia).
"The Katyn massacre was not committed by the Soviets despite admitting to it in
Despite not having any thorough investigation done on the matter and despite
germans admitting the crime during Nurnberg trials. I am outraged as you are! :)
Not to mention that the Katyn deal conviniently saw light when your swell nazi friends began loosing the war.
"Eastern Europe enjoyed being occupied and oppressed by the Soviets for 45 years."
Yes, yes and all died there. Only I survived to write blasphemies on the web.
On the matter: they were no more/no less independent than NATO/EU members right now.
"The best has to be saying the USSR invaded Finland because it was worried little Finland might invade them first. LMAO."
No, no - there were no incursions and skirmishes in the 1921-1922 in the Karelia. The russians were fighting bears there! Finnish nationalists dreaming about Great Finland on the expense of its eastern neighbor is a myth!
Also, nice hick-move on distorting my words about having an unfriednly neighbour
near second largest city of the country.
"Truth is they were an utterly evil regime from start to finish and in the same
ballpark as the Nazis."
Truth is you are ignorant juvenille hick. On the matter: yes, yes - there were no Munich treaty and nazi-agressor appeasement policy in good old white and fuzy West, no sabotaging the collective defence treaties in late 1930s, no trying to channel the nazi threat to the east, no, no - there are only two guilty parties in the black and white brain of a juvenille ignorant hick.
"Trying to choose between the two is like trying to pick between two devils."
What a cruel and sick planet you are living on. Everyone is a satanist there:
Roosevelt, Churchill, De Gaulle etc. All made a pact with the "devil".
Even the Jews when they announced a national mourn after Stalin's death (even
canceled Purim celebrations).
"Agree with the OP, best outcome would have been the two despots and their vile
heartless regimes destroying each other completely."
Two juvenille ignorant hicks are agreeing on something... oh my heart won't take
it... Nah I'm ok. ;)
"Details of the two tyrant's squalid little pact.
The ultimate source of knowledge for a juvenille ignorant hick is of course a
heavily edited by anyone who wants Wikipedia and sites that copy material from Wikipedia. Professional historians study matters for decades, but man oh man are they dumb right? I mean, come on! Wikipedia has all the answers!
Juvenille ignorant hicks don't know (but professional historians do) that NO ONE
seen these "secret protocols" anywhere at all. Not in german archives. Not in
russian archives. The photocopies and texts that are all around the web are from a book - Nazi-Soviet Relations 1939–1941. Washington, 1948. The biggest evidence of "protocols" being a cold war hoax is that no one no where on this planet
writes a word SECRET in the document's name (Secret Additional Protocol) that
parties involved know is secret - it's straight out of Hollywood zone, you know, so that juvenille ignorant hick would get it for sure.
"No doubt imdbstuff1941 will continue with his laughable denials, more absurd lies and personal insults."
No doubt imdbstuff1941 will continue to poke juvenille ignorant hick's snouts right in the very puddles they are constantly making.
Seriously Overniner and Kafka tell me your adresses so I could send you couple of condoms as the world is interested that the likes of you do not reproduce. ;)