MovieChat Forums > Saving Hope (2012) Discussion > And....I quit (spoilers)

And....I quit (spoilers)

Am I the only one who is quitting the show because they killed off Joel?

Don't get me wrong, I understand why Daniel Gillies chose to leave the show, and I respect his decision and all that. It's not even that I'm mad at the writers.

It's just...I watch so much TV. I only watched Saving Hope because I loved Daniel Gillies so much from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I find that if I'm not attached enough to a show and then a large enough portion of the reason I'm watching it dies...I'm just done. Not because I'm mad or bitter, but because for me to devote my time to a show, it needs to bring me a certain amount of joy. Unless I'm so entrenched in it that I HAVE to keep watching, even when everyone I love dies/leaves the show (Grey's Anatomy).

So, am I alone? Or will other people be quitting because they just love Joel too damn much?


I just started watching late last year mainly also because of Daniel. And yes it sucks he's now gone. I loved his character more than Charlie who is boring but I think I'll still give the show a chance next season. I did become interested in some of the other characters and like to see what happens with them before I give up the series. Plus I want to know who is the father of Alex's baby.


the reason why I watched was and still is because of Charlie....

so I will continue to keep on watching...

I believe that Charlie is the father...why have it as joel if he's gone from the show...



I had a feeling a large chunk of viewers probably only watch the show for Daniel Gilles. I only gave this show a shot because of Erica Durance(Smallville), so I wonder if viewership will fall cause of his departure. I always kept saying that he is too popular for this show. I don't watch Vampire Diaries but I know it has a huge following so Gilles leaving was going to happen sooner than later.


I started watching for Kristopher Turner and Daniel Gillies. My first reaction after last night's episode was "I'm done with this show," but I'm going to at least check out next season's premiere. After that, I don't know.

I find Saving Hope to be rather boring and I can't say I really care about any of the characters now, but I'm going to miss not having a medical drama to watch. I'll at least give it a fair chance to maybe establish a hopefully better plot now that Alex has had her baby, or bring in new characters. But like you, I watch so much tv that freeing up an hour is more appealing than wasting time watching something I'm not that into anymore.

As a Daniel fan, I'm kind of annoyed that to see him now I'll have to watch The Originals. I can't stand Klaus. :/


I find Saving Hope to be rather boring and I can't say I really care about any of the characters now, but I'm going to miss not having a medical drama to watch. I'll at least give it a fair chance to maybe establish a hopefully better plot now that Alex has had her baby, or bring in new characters. But like you, I watch so much tv that freeing up an hour is more appealing than wasting time watching something I'm not that into anymore.

there are others that you can watch in the meantime...

like hard rock med is pretty good....if you live in Ontario, you can get it on two statins...TVO and aptn...if you live else where, there's always aptn..

and remedy's going to start season two (global) real


that's why I don't watch the originals, because of Klaus.....and I gave up watching VD after year two...I got so bored with which brother has to save


Yes, you are alone......


I never watched just for Joel. Frankly, he was only a subplot in the whole series. Most of you TVD and TO fans are just fangirling here. He`s not even good in TO anymore. Elijah sucks now.


The show's arguably lost its best piece of eye candy (the women are all beautiful and/or cute, Ben Ayres is admittedly brooding-hot and only really edged out by Gillies' accent and ears, and Shanks has the huge hot musclebod and acting chops--really the anchor of this series), but I ain't quitting. That death was earned and awesome (and totally appreciate the actor's excellent reasons for leaving and the way the writers wrote him out) and I'm hoping it sends a few shockwaves through the series that amp amp up Season 4. At least three or four main characters should be profoundly effected by Joel's death, but I wanna see them reacting in all the various ways that people do in real life after a shock like that--not just grieving for half the season.


Well I also love Daniel Gillies from this show and of course the Originals as well !! He's one of the reasons I watched Saving Hope... I also watch Grey's Anatomy since day 1 (the Pilot), and not sure but you know but just in case Shonda with her prissy huge ego decided to kill my favorite character on the show Dr. Derek Shepard - the love of Meredith's life! I wish they could've handled it a different way but oh hell NO they just freaking KILLED Derek, and in my opinion KILLED the show. It all had to do w/Patrick Dempsey wanting a little "less" screen time but Shonda wasn't having it so she LITERALLY KILLED the soul of the show and the couple we have always rooted for MerDer (Meredith/Derek). I don't like how she handled the funeral or anything w/his death! I hated the way Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey didn't have a proper good-bye as she laid there dying - Shonda "promised" that they would have a "beautiful good-bye" of course it was a load of crap b/c I think they should've had their moment before they got on the plane - not sure how well GA will do now.

I spoiled tagged but did that just in case people are behind on GA and didn't know.

I love Daniel Gillies on the Originals as Elijah so much and will always want him w/Hayley - she doesn't love Jackson her heart will always belong to Elijah and Jackson knew this - why did they have such a "rushed" wedding?! The Originals is rocking right now - we have so much animosity its just nuts - I will say that one scene on Originals was disturbing - what Klaus did to Gia, someone Elijah (Daniel Gillies) character cared about a lot, but sick of hearing Gia was his girlfriend, if anything she was a rebound to get over Hayley b/c she got married; but still Klaus went too far (but it was all part of his plan) not sure Elijah liked that part of the plan but its done.

I'm very upset over Joel's death as well - always loved his character on the show. I also love Charlie as well; can I possibly love both? Daniel Gillies made Joel's character so interesting I think they could've wrote him off differently as well.


I only watched for Daniel Gillies too but I came to really like a few other characters such as Shahir Hamza, Maggie Lin and Dr Miller. That's why I decided to give the first three eps of season 4 a try.

Sadly there isn't enough focus on these 3 or maybe they just lack the charisma of Joel Goran but I have not enjoyed watching. The constant baby stuff, Alex's loss of career focus, and then the new doc and his ridiculous drama with the annoying junior resident was just the last drop, I am quitting.



Oh, call me crazy but I watch because I like the show. I didn`t know who any of the actors were when I started watching it.

That said, while I was really shocked by the S2 ending I`m glad Alex and Charlie are back together.

FYI - I`m watching it on ION Television so I`ve only seen all the way through S3 so far.
